The Day Before She Met Him Part 1

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Nareesha was on set doing make-up for Selena before a big scene for her music video. Racquel walked in her head in her phone. She had a massive smile on her face. "What are you smiling at?" Nareesha asked "I've got a date tonight?" she smiled "with who?!" Selena asked excitedly "Brad, that guy I've been talking to on Raya" she smiled "that's so cute! What are you doing for it?" Nareesha asked doing Selena's eye make up "We're going to that new bar called Mayas bar and wine" she said "Cute! I may see you there, I'm going there tonight with  Siva and Jay" she said "Yeah may see you there" she smiled. Racquel spoke about Brad, what he did and all about him. Nareesha and Selena could see how excited she was for her date.



Racquel walked into the bar, wearing red dress and a pair of heels and sat on the bar stool. She had spent to hours on her make-up and hair, then another hour deciding what to wear. She looked at her watch, before ordering a drink. He should be here any minute she thought. She paid for her drink and went and found a table in the corner. She kept looking at the door and then her phone. Time went by, it was soon 8:30, no sign of him. She texted him asking his whereabouts, read but no reply. Soon enough it was 9pm. She saw Nareesha walk into the bar with her husband Siva and a man who must be her friend Jay, she couldn't help but notice him. He was really cute, he had piercing blue eyes and adorably curly hair she thought as she sipped her drink. She looked at her phone again, still no message. She looked up and saw Nareesha "Hey girl? You okay?" she said "Uh yeah, well no. I think I've been stood up...." she said disappointedly "what an ass, why don't you come join us?" she said "no I think I'm gonna go ho-" said said before being interrupted "cmon Racq, if you went home now I'd feel terrible at least have one drink with us, have a bit more of a positive vibe to the end of the night?" she said. Racquel sighed and then nodded "Okay then" Racquel said. Nareesha smiled and put her hand out "cmon then" she said. They walked over to the table "Racq, this is my husband Siva and our best friend Jay" she said "Guys this is Racquel, would you guys mind if she joined us. She uh was just stood up" she said introducing them. "Not at all" the boys both said. The curly-haired man called Jay, was wearing a pair of black skinny jeans and a white t-shirt. He looked at Racquel and smiled, he put his hand out and she shook it. She was the most the most beautiful girl he'd ever seen and she looked stunning in the red dress she was wearing. He didn't understand why the hell someone would stand her up.

He had the most beautiful eyes, she thought as she shook his hand. Racquel sat down next to Jay, he smiled at her. She seemed a little down, "whoever this guy was, who stood you up is a moron" Nareesha said. Jay nodded "I agree, not to be too forward but you are really pretty and he must've been blind or stupid, maybe both?" Jay said, with a wink. Racquel smiled and blushed. "Thanks" she said


"Can I get you a drink?" Jay asked "uh okay, can I get a gin and tonic?" she asked nervously. He smiled and nodded "Sure, single or double?" he asked "single please" she said. He nodded "No problem" he said before getting up to get her a drink. Nareesha smiled at her "he's single and a firefighter" she chimed. Racquel blushed. Nareesha laughed. "What you talking about?" Siva asked "Racquel has taken a shine to Jay" Nareesha said "No I haven't.. I mean he's cute and then eyes are just hypnotizing but-" Racquel said laughing "You so like him Racquel" Nareesha joked "If you do, he's a really sweet dude," Siva said smiling. Nareesha agreed "Oh yeah Jays is the best. We've known him for like 10 years and he's awesome. Really good guy" Nareesha said. "Good to know" Racquel smiled.

Jay then came over with the drinks "thank-you" she smiled "No worries" he said smiling. He couldn't help but look at her, she was beautiful, her blonde hair and her blue eyes. He couldn't help but feel his heart skipping a beat. As they chatted he noticed her placing her hand on his knee or his arm. He moved a little closer and so did she, they spoke about their jobs, and their family and got to know one another. Siva and Nareesha excused themselves to go to the bar. Jay felt brave enough to rest his arm on the top of Racquel's seat and move his body so his knee was up and his other leg was under the table directly facing her. They carried on chatting, Racquel laughed at Jay's jokes and he thought that was a laugh that he wanted to hear for the rest of his life. She then placed her hand on his knee and didn't move it. She bravely leaned in a little to him hoping he would do the same. He did. He leaned in a little, they kept on leading in till their lips met. He then began to kiss her softly and she returned it. His other hand went onto her waist pulling her in a little. She pulled away and they both blushed. They both heard "woo! Get it girl!!" Nareesha shouted from the bar. Racquel laughed and blushed "Smooth mate!" Jay said as he adjusted himself so he was sitting closely next to Racquel. Nareesha drunkenly put her thumbs up at Jay. He laughed shook his head and put his arm around Racquel's waist. She put her hand on his knee again, he kissed her cheek softly as she blushed. Nareesha and Siva brought over some shots.


Jay woke up on a sofa, in a strange apartment. He rubbed his eyes and was confused, he got up and saw Racquel in the kitchen. He then remembered Racquel invited him in and he was adamant he would sleep on the couch, as she was drunk (as he was) and didn't want to take advantage. He walked over into the kitchen, she gave him a coffee. "Thankyou" he said, suddenly he got nervous "I uh know this breakfast place downtown....if you wanted to uh join me this morning, I mean if you're free!" he said nervously. Racquel smiled, it was sweet how he was so nervous to ask her "Yeah breakfast sounds good" she smiled. He nodded "cool, I uh I'll grab a ride home and then come get you" he said, before taking a sip of coffee "No don't be silly. I'll drive you just let me get showered and dressed" she said before giving him a quick kiss. Jay nodded "Sounds good" he smiled, as he watched her walk away. God she was beautiful he thought. She then turned her head "you can join me if you want?" she asked, he stood up "really?!" she asked "I am completely sober, so?? I mean all I'm gonna do is the leave the bathroom door open and then it's your choice" she said. Jay took a large gulp,he waited until he heard the shower go on. He walked over to the bathroom and saw Racquel in the shower, he took his boxers off and opened the shower door. She smiled cheekily, he kissed her softly and his hands slowly made their way down to her arse and pulled her closer. She returned the kiss and deepened it, and she put her arms around his broad shoulders and then around his neck, pulling him in closer. He smiled into the kiss. He pulled away and picked her up, he placed her against the shower wall and began kissing her again. She wrapped her arms around his legs, and he inserted his erection into her. "My god Jay!" she moaned as she felt how big he was. He smirked and began kissing her neck, she moaned as he rocked her world.


Jay got out of the shower and put a towel around Racquel. He wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her softly. She kissed back, he pulled away and he grabbed a towel and placed it around his waist. They both got dressed. Racquel drove Jay to his apartment, and he got changed quickly. They then went to the breakfast place and they sat at a table. They ordered the food, and they spoke about the night before and this morning. Racquel looked at him "I wanted to say thank you" she said "About?" he asked raising an eyebrow "Saving my night this morning, you were my hero last night. You saved me from going home and sitting on the couch watching crap tv with a Ben and Jerry's. Texting my friends that all guys are just really shit. And then thank you for this morning, if you know what I mean" she said, winking at him before eating a piece of avocado. He blushed "You are more than welcome and to be honest, if we did what we did this morning then Ben and Jerry's and watching crap tv, that would be perfect" he said. "Now that would be ideal" she said "I'm free tonight if you are" he said looking at her hopefully. She raised an eyebrow "I'm down for that" she said smiling coyly. He smiled, leaned over and kissed her softly. She smiled into the kiss. They pulled away.

They finished breakfast, Jay dropped Racquel off at the Rare Beauty HQ. They kissed, he gave her his address and she told him she'd see him tonight around 7 pm. They kissed again before saying see you later.

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