My Angel

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Nathans P.O.V

I walked out of Scooter Braun's office. It was over. The band was over. We planned on having a talk, but Max and Siva had a massive fight arguing about Max's article, where he pretty much sold the whole frickin band out. Now all my bandmates were angry at me because threw me under the bus. I wandered the streets of L.A alone, a few fans here and there came and ask for autographs, i happily obliged. Its not gonna last for long. My careers over, the bands over oh and to rub salt in the wound, my ex girlfriend who I really liked, is now back with her ex. Who is alot more attractive than me, got bigger muscles than me, alot more girls fancy him, and he has an australian accent. My iphone buzzed in my pocket, it was my friend Alex, I didn't fancy company tonight. 

I walked past the bars, trying to find somewhere that served alcohol, but where I wouldnt find my well ex bandmates. I wandered into a restaurant/bar and walked over to the bar area. I asked for a beer, and showed them my i.d. The bartender gave me a beer and gave me a tab. I smiled and said cheers. I swigged my beer and then a blonde walked towards me "hard day" she asked Ha. Well let me see my careers over and so's my friendship with my best friends. Look love I know how this goes, we chat we kiss, we shag, then you wake up in the morning and leave. To be honest, I can't be arsed so please feel free to find some other lonely guy at the bar, I said. She huffed, picked her bag up and strutted away. I smirked "Slut" I muttered, I know their type, believe me I know.

The door then swung open and a group of people around my age walked in, I recognised one of them. One was Demi Lovato, she was cute. Not cute beautiful, she had the kinda smile that could light up a room. But I knew she was taken, by an actor. The benefits of having a younger sister, who idolises her. 

I swigged my beer "Another one" I said, she smiled and gave me another one. I swigged it down. Man I'm so depressed how could my best friends do that to me. Seriously how could they just tell me the bands over. I thought it was just a break, which I was cool about but's over. I lost my brothers, my band, my career and possibly my fans. I have no girlfriend and no job, my life's pretty depressing at the moment.

Normal P.O.V

Nathan sat there all alone at the bar. It got too midnight and he was getting more drunk, he had five beers now, "Yo. I want another one" he said demandingly to the bartender. He gave him another "Cheers mate" he said. Glad you came, came on the radio. "Mate can you turn it over" Nathan said. The bartender nodded and changed it, to another radio station. He drank some more beer. "Hard day bro" the bartender asked "Ha! You can say that again. My ex is now datin her fuckin ex an-and my careers over a-a-s my the band I was in a-reee now over!" he slurred his words and put his hands through his hair. 

Demi was with her friends, she looked over and started to feel sorry for the boy at the bar. "Hey you okay" one of Demis friends said "Yeah. Just feel kinda sorry for that guy at the bar. Kinda reminds me of me a few years ago" she said. "Go and talk to him" Matthew her friend said "Really" she said "Yeah i'll come with you" he said. Demi and Matt got up and walked to the bar. 

"Hi" Demi said to Nathan "sup" he said and sigged his beer. "Look i overheard what happened to you and you don't need alcohol" she said "please just. Go away...I really don't need a fricking lcture. I'm reallyy dr-unk and dont need this" he sighed and swigged another gulp of beer. Demi rolled her eyes "I know how you feel" she said "No you don't...You don't know what it feels like to lose your best friends, your basic brothers and your job in fuckin day" he said. "Can we get a water" Matthew said. The bartender nodded and got a water. "I do though. I went to rehab because of this shit, I lost my concert dates, my album deals, I lost my best friends because of it. But I came out the other side" she smiled, Matthew handed her some water, she gave it to him, he took it and drank some. Demi sat beside him "You can go back now Matt" she smiled "Okay" Matthew smiled and went back to the table. 

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