Lay All Your Love On Me Part One

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Raquelle walked into the hotel lobby, with Selena, Ashley and Courtney in Toronto. They had booked an extra weekend in the city so they could have a bit of time to relax after the Toronto Film Festival. They all had a hectic schedule and it was nice to have a bit of a break. Selena was checking them in, whilst the other three girls waited on the sofa in the lobby.

A group of six men walked into the hotel lobby with golf bags. The girls looked at one another slightly starstruck as they recognised that it was Hugh Laurie, Hugh Grant, Greg Wise and Rowan Atkinson. Raquelle noticed there was another man, he was tall, broad and handsome, he had curly hair and stubble. She blushed, he was really handsome. She didn't know who he was but she wanted too.

Jay walked into the hotel, with his step dad and his dads friends. It was their annual golf weekend. They had been doing this ever since he was thirteen and he was now thirty one. He loved these weekends, he looked forward to them all year round. These men had been there through the good and bad times, their advice and guidance had seen him and his family through the darkest of times. They walked down into the lobby area, he was talking to Rowan and his step dad when he noticed a pretty blonde girl looking at him. Surely she wasn't looking at him, he had made this mistake before. His step dad and uncles were some of the biggest names in acting. He looked away as he thought she was looking at them. He noticed she looked a little rejected. He felt bad and something told him that she was special.

Raquelle walked down to the spa with the girls "oh damn I forgot my flip flops. I'll go back and grab them to see you in a few minutes" she said, before heading up to the hotel room, she then bumped into someone "oh sorry" she said "don't worry about it" a man with an english accent said. She looked up and saw the handsome man from the lobby, she blushed because when he saw her, he smiled widely. "Hi" he said "hi" she smiled "I'm sorry about bumping into you. I should've been looking at where I was going" he said "no it's my fault. I was too focused on getting my flip flops from the room" she said "I uh better get going my step dad and uncles are waiting for me. Well there not my uncles but as good as" he said rambling as he was nervous.

He hadn't had this many butterflies in his stomach before, she was beautiful, "I'm gonna stop rambling" he said
She nodded whilst blushing "are you gonna be in the restaurant later?" he asked. She nodded "yeah I am" she said "I know you're on a girls weekend and I don't even know if your single which your probably not because your beautiful or if your even looking for anything but you want to grab dinner tonight?" he asked nervously whilst rubbing his neck, with his right hand, his arm bulging through his polo shirt. Raquelle blushed a deep shade of red at the sight of it, she couldn't deny he was gorgeous, and she couldn't stop smiling "yeah I'd really like that. I'm Raquelle" she said. He smiled and put his hand out "I'm Jay. I better get going, and let you get your flip flops. Meet you at 7 in the lobby? " he asked. "Yeah I'll see you later" she said, she kissed his cheek and then walked to her room. Jays heart soared, he had a billion butterflies in his stomach, he smiled widely.

Jay grabbed his phone and called his sister, who was also in Toronto that weekend for a fashion show. "Hey Gaia, I need your help. I've got a date tonight...yeah I know...she's beautiful, she's way out of my league. Could you grab me a shirt.and bring it to the hotel...please...I really want to impress her.... I've only got my golf shirts, yeah that's awesome. Thanks so much I owe you more than one! Love you, bye sis" he said before hanging up and walking to the golf course.

He walked out onto the golf course. Jay couldn't stop smiling "what time do you call this? Did you get lost following the long corridor" Rowan asked. "Ha funny...I was talking to a girl" he said "a real one?" Hugh Laurie asked. Jay playfully glared at him "I've actually got a date tonight with that girl" Jay said "this wasn't in your dream was it?" Hugh Grant asked "haha very funny and no. Her name is Raquelle and yeah she's a beautiful blonde girl and I cant wait. Gaia is dropping me off a shirt later" he said "oh good my favourite sibling is coming. Thank god thought I'd be stuck with you all weekend" Rowan said "thanks man. Right let's play some golf" he said before putting his arm around Rowan.
Raquelle walked back to the spa, "what took you so long?" Ashley asked "sorry I bumped into a really cute guy" she blushed. "Oooh tell us more" Courtney said "I was going upto the room, he bumped into me and we got chatting...he asked me on a date for tonight" she said "go on girl!" Ashley cheered. Raquelle enjoyed the next few hours before she went on the day excited about the evening to come.


Jay heard a knock on his door. He opened it. It was Gaia. "Ahh thankyou so much" he said, his sister would stood there with his shirt in a bag and a bouquets of red roses. "I thought these would help you with the date" she said "thankyou. You think of everything" he said. He hugged her tightly and she returned it. "Come on in" he said. Gaia nodded and walked into the hotel room

A few minutes earlier with Raquelle

Raquelle left the spa half an hour early to go and get ready for her date, all the girls wished her luck and she went upto the room to get ready.
She went into the lift, and into the corridor. She stopped dead in her tracks, she saw Jay with a brown haired girl, she was holding a bouquet of roses and gift bag. He hugged her tightly and then they went into his hotel room. She wiped the upcoming tears from her eyes, how could she be so stupid to think he was single. She believed he genuinely liked her and he now she showed him that he was an arsehole.

She went to her room and slammed the door. She got the menu from room service and ordered a pizza and ice cream, she turned on the TV, whilst trying to distract herself whilst wiping tears away. She then began crying.

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