You Are In Love (Enchanted Part 4)

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The sun creeped through the curtains in London, and Raquelle began to stir. She wiped her eyes and saw Jay to her left who was still fast asleep. Their clothes were all over the floor from the night before. She smiled at herself, and watched him sleep. She couldn't believe that this gorgeous, amazing guy had flown half way across the world to find her, and tell her how he felt. She felt like she was in a fairytale. Just then the sun caught his eyes, and his eyelids began to flutter open. She stroked his cheek "morning" she cooed.

He reached out his strong arms and pulled her in, he kissed her softly "morning" he smiled still half asleep. She stroked the stubble on his cheek softly as he woke up. He kissed her head softly, Raquelles alarm then went off. She turned over and turned it off. "I need to get up and get ready for work" she sighed, finding herself back in Jay's arms. He kissed her head again "okay, one more kiss though" he said. She kissed him softly and he deepened it, his hands caressing her body. She pulled away "nah uh. I know what your game is and I need to get ready" she said, he pouted. She giggled kissed him again and got out of bed, as Jay watched her "I swear down you are the most beautiful girl in the world" he said admiring her. She blushed as she headed to the ensuite. She then popped her head around the door "are you coming? Or am I gonna shower alone?" she asked biting her lip. Jay then raced out of bed, to the ensuite.
Jay softly kissed Raquelle goodbye, she had a load of meetings and events with Selena today, so Jay was going to go and spend the day, playing golf with Tom. He hadn't seen him properly in a while so was looking forward to catching up. They were then planning to go and watch the rugby in one of the local pubs, they always went to.

Tom pulled up outside the hotel "hello prince charming" he smiled, as he got out the car "Hiya mate" Jay said as he hugged him "how's it going. By the look on your face I'm guessing last night went well" Tom said "oh I was rewarded don't you worry if you know what I mean" Jay laughed. Tom laughed "nice girl though?" he asked as he drove. "She's incredible, honestly mate shes beautiful, sexy and all that but she's also a really good person aswell" he said. Tom nodded "I'm looking forward to meeting this girl who has my best friends heart then" he smiled. Jay blushed "she's pretty incredible" he said.

The two spent the day playing golf and then went to go and get some food and drinks in a local pub. They were showing the six nations, but the boys got there early to get a good seat. Jay got a text from Raquelle asking where he was "that Raquelle?" Tom asked. Jay nodded "invite her down if you want" Tom said "isn't that tight on you?" Jay asked "nah I'm looking forward to meeting her" Tom said. Jay nodded "okay then" he said and invited her down.

10 minutes later.

A pretty blonde girl entered the pub, she looked around to find the man who stole her heart yesterday. She clocked him, he was talking to a blonde man, whilst watching the television. She smiled and walked over to them. "Nah I mean look at the pace on the winger mate" he said as she approached the table. "Hey" she said. They both looked up and Jay smiled "hi beautiful" he smiled and stood up. He kissed her softly "baby,, this is my best friend Tom and bro this is my beautiful Raquelle" he smiled. Raquelle smiled "you were in harry potter right?!" she asked. Tom smiled "yeah that was me" he said. "I loved those films, they were awesome. It's so nice to meet you" she said "James put a ring on it" Tom said jokingly. Jay laughed "maybe a bit soon mate" he said
"Have you eaten yet?" Jay asked Raquelle "yeah I had some food at the last meeting" she said. He kissed her cheek softly "I'll go and get some more drinks. Raquelle what would you like?" he asked "uh could I get a gin and tonic" he said "sure. Another beer ?" Tom asked. "Yeah thanks mate" he said.

Jay held Raquelles hand, and she lay her head in his shoulder. He kissed the top of her head softly. "Good day?" he asked "yeah it was good thanks. Really busy, you?" she said. "Yeah good, been nice to spend time with Tom" he said "how long have you two known each other?" she asked "ooh about twelve years. He's my boy. My best friend actually he's more like a brother to me" Jay said.

Tom then came back with the drinks, he handed them out. Jays phone then rang "Ah its my mum, I'm gonna take it outside" he said, before kissing Raquelle and going outside. Tom looked at Raquelle, he took a sip of his drink "can I ask you a question" he said. Raquelle nodded "I don't want to offend you but I need to ask....your not with Jay cause of who his mum and dad are, are you? You met at a charity gala you obviously know he has connections" he said. Raquelle shook her head and took a sip of her drink "god no. I get why your asking but no. I really like Jay, he's awesome, sweet and just amazing. I was so happy when he knocked on my door the other night. My heart just lifted when I saw him. He's just amazing" he said. Tom smiled and took a sip "sorry to ask, he's been with girls before who've just used him to get contacts in the industry and he wears his heart on his sleeve alot. As his best friend I just wanted to make sure. I believe you though and I can already tell he really fucking likes you. I've never seen him look at someone the way he looks at you" Tom smiled. Raquelle smiled and blushed.

Jay walked back in, and sat down next to Raquelle "everything alright man?" Tom asked "yeah my mum just wanted to know what happened. She says hello by the way to both of you" he said, he put his hand on Raquelles knee and kissed her cheek.

The couple enjoyed the rest of the evening with Tom.

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