Same Hotel

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Demi stood there in the five seasons hotel in NYC, she was on tour promoting her new single, she suddenly heard fangirl screams coming from outside. She looked over and saw The Wanted walk in with a load of security, she rolled her eyes, she had heard from mutual friends that they were douches and they sang about clubbing, getting drunk and partying. She thought they were just show offs.

The boys walked over to the hotel front desk to near where Demi was. A member who had short brown hair and green eyes slightly smiled at her. Demi just folded her arms and looked away. He just looked at her confused, wondering what he did wrong. The shaved head member then started to play with the brown haired boy's ear. The other brown eyed boy was making a joke about the curly haired member, but the curly haired memeber was laughing aswell. She smiled slightly maybe they weren't so bad. 

The green eyed boy looked at her again, she smiled and waved a bit at him. He smiled at her and excused himself from the group "hello i'm Nathan" he said in a thick english accent "hey i'm demi" she smiled and shook his hand "just wanted to say i'm a massive fan" he smiled."Awh thankyou" she smiled "so's my sister, you're her idol....was wondering if i could have a picture taken with you" he smiled "yeah sure" Demi smiled back. He got his iphone out and went on the camera, he placed his hand on her back , she placed hers round his waist, they both smiled as he took it "thankyou" he smiled. His bandmates saw them and started wolf whistling to tease the youngest member "Shut up lads" he retorted. Demi smiled slightly "Go on Nath" The shorter brown haired boy yelled. Nathan blushed, he couldnt believe how embarassed he was. "Its fine" she smiled "ermm i better get back to my bandmates before they do worse" he smiled slightly "it was nice to meet you Nathan" she smiled "you too Demi" he smiled and went back to the boys. They all ruffled his hair and one of the taller boys with curly hair picked Nathan up and swung him around. Demi smiled at how they all acted like brothers towards each other. 

With Nathan.

"Go and ask her if she's single" Jay said "Noo and i dont think she is" Nathan said "yeah she's dating Wilmer Valderamma, he was on that 70's show or somet" Max said. They boys nodded "dont worry mate, we'll find ya someone" Max said twiddling his ear. Demi then walked past and Nathan watched her as she went up to her room. 

With Demi

"you know that dude frim the wanted didn't take his eyes off you when you went past" Marissa, Demi's best friend said "Really ?" Demi said trying to play it cool. "Do you like him" Marissa asked "I have a boyfriend" Demi said "you didn't answer my question" Marissa smiled. "He's cute okay" Dmei smiled blushing. "Ooooh" Marissa teased. 

Two Days Later

Nathan walked out his hotel room, the same time as Demi "hey where you going" he smiled "to meet my boyfriend he's at front desk what bout you" she smiled. His heart broke a bit "uh rehearsals, i'm a tad late" he smiled "ahh okay" she smiled "well when i say a tad i mean about twenty minutes" he smiled at her, she laughed as they went into the elevator. "haha i'm late for alot f things aswell" she smiled "i know its hard to keep track of time" he smiled. "We should hang out sometime" he smiled"yeah sounds good" she smiled. The elevator door opened and they walked out "Bye Demi" he smiled and gave her a quick hug. "bye Nathan" she smiled hugging back. He turned around and saw Wilmer glaring at him. He smiled slightly and went to the rehearsal room.

Demi walked over to Wilmer, she leant in to kiss him, he turned his cheek "who was that" he asked "no one" she said "oh so you were talking to no-one" he said "Wilmer he was a friend, we met this morning nothings going on, why do you think i'm cheating" she said "fine okay i'm sorry" he said putting his hands up "yeah you better be" she said folding her arms.

That Night 

Nathan is walking back up to the room with Jay after a concert. They saw Demi and Wilmer arguing outside her.Nathan saw Demi was crying "lets go and see if shes okay" Jay nodded and they walked over "hey demi you okay" Nathan asked "yea i'm fine" she said wiping upcoming tears "you dont look it" he said "look pretty boy just leave us alone, it has nothing to do with you" Wilmer snarked and pushed him back "Wilmer just leave him alone" Demi said "so you sticking up for him" Wilmer barked "right now yeah, cause you're being a douche like normal"she said "you're so pathetic demi, seriously i never flirted with kai, stop being a pathetic bitch, i dont know why im with you youre are ugly, stupid,...and vile" he shouted "hey back off " Nathan said standing infront of Demi protecting her. "We are so over" Wilmer said putting his hands up and then stormed off. 

Nathan turned round and hugged Demi "it's okay" he smiled, she hugged back, "lets go inside" he smiled and went into her hotel room. "I'll see you in a bit mate. Everything gonna be alright Demi" Jay smiled and gave her a quick hug. Demi smiled slightly "Thankyou". Jay nodded at them and went to the hotel room. 

Jay left. Nathan turned round and saw Demi sitting on her bed. Nathan sat next to her and placed his arm round her shoulder."It's okay" he smiled slightly as Nathan cried into his shoulder. 

After she calmed down

"Sorry" she said "no problem as long as you're okay" he smiled "thanks Nathan you're really sweet" she smiled looking up at him "thanks but what wilmer said, none of it was true. You're amazing, talented, intelligent and so so beautiful" he smiled. Demi looked at him, she had never heard a guy say those words with so much confidence. Demi blushed at what he said, she looked into his eyes and leaned in, he leaned in aswell and kissed her lips softly. "Be with me and I promise I will never hurt you" Nathan whispered. Demi nodded and kissed him again. 

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