I Want Crazy (Enchanted Part Two)

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Jay ran into the airport with a duffel bag, he looked at the screen. His flight left in an hour, he went and bought an open return ticket and went through security. Afterwards he grabbed his belongings from the tray and checked his phone. His dad had texted him.

G: Managed to find out they're staying at The Mayfair, I booked you a room. Good luck son.

Jay smiled and texted his dad back. He texted his friend Tom who was gonna pick him up from the airport and take him to the hotel.

18 hours later

Jay touched down at Heathrow and walked out with his duffle bag. He saw a blonde haired man in a pair of Chino trousers, holding a sign that read prince charming. He smiled and walked over to him "very funny" he chuckled. "You like it?! I made it myself" Tom said proudly "yeah I can tell" he said laughing. Tom folded the piece of paper and laughed. Tom patted Jay on the back "no really though, it's really brave what you're doing. Risking it all, spending hundreds of dollars on a flight, putting your heart on the line to potentially get rejected" Tom said.as they got in the car "thanks?? Yeah if acting doesn't work out please don't ever become a motivational speaker" Jay said deadpan to Tom. Tom smiled and looked at the road whilst he drove over to hotel "so, what's the plan?" Tom asked "uh I don't have plan as such....just wait in the lobby I guess" he said "so what if she's already in her room?" Tom asked "I dunno man. Look I literally took a 18 hour flight on a whim that she's gonna be there and single, straight...or even wanting something. I don't know I'm just following my heart, my head is still in LA" he sighed.

Tom looked at him, maybe he'd been a little harsh "all jokes aside. It's admirable what your doing. It's really fucking brave, I can't even tell the girl I've been in love with for fifteen years that I love her" Tom said. Jay smiled at his best friend "thanks mate. And well you won't be able to now as she's got a sugar daddy" Jay joked. Tom laughed and nodded "I deserved that" he said, as they pulled up at the hotel.
Jay grabbed his duffle bag from the back "good luck mate. Call me if it doesn't work out and we'll have a boys night and you can drown out sorrows about our love lives together" Tom said. Jay smiled "thanks mate. Appreciated" he said before slapping hands with Tom and hugging him. They said goodbye and Jay got out of the car.
Jay walked into the hotel and checked into his room. He got in the lift and went upto his floor. He walked over nervous, that he may bump into her. He wanted to get showered and look half decent before he saw her. He got into his room, placed his bag on the bed and got undressed. He got in the shower and turned on the hot water and let the water and soap wash over his muscular body. He felt butterflies in his stomach, this was the most nervous he'd ever been. He then got out and put a towel around his waist. He dried himself and got changed into a pair of black jeans and white t-shirt and plaid shirt and Chelsea boots. He fixed his hair and left the room with his car key.

He went down into the lobby, and sat down on the sofa. He couldn't get rid of his butterflies and he was unbelievably nervous. Was this a bad idea? What if she wasn't single? What if she had a boyfriend? Course she would have a boyfriend. Was he stupid to follow her over?

"Jay?" he heard a voice say, he turned around and saw Selena "oh hey" he said "what are you doing here?" she asked, holding her boyfriends hand they looked like they were about to go out  on a date. "I uh..well...I" he stuttered, then got the nerve to say it "I kind of maybe creepily followed you over here to tell Raquelle I can't stop thinking about her" he said. Selena smiled "well if it makes you feel better she's also kinda bummed that we had to leave early. As she wanted to talk to you too. She's in room 287 on the second floor" Selena said. Jay smiled "thankyou" he said "no it's all good. Go and get her" Selena smiled before leaving with Benny.
Jay then ran to the elevator and pressed the button. It was taking ages to get to him, so he decided to take the stairs.

He ran like he'd never ran before. He got to the second floor and followed the signs to her room. He ran down the corridor and knocked on room 287. He waited there nervously, he had millions of butterflies in his stomach. He took a deep breath as the door opened. There she stood, in a pair of tracksuit bottoms and a cropped t-shirt, with no make up on. She looked beautiful even more than what she did the other night. He didn't think that would've been possible.

She looked at him confused "Jay??" she asked surprised "I uhm. The thing is..." he stumbled over his words. He head rehearsed over and over again what he was going to say but now the words couldn't leave his mouth. She just stood there confused. "I'm just gonna do this" he said before grabbing her by the waist, bringing her closer and kissing her deeply. It took her by surprise but she returned it and deepened it further her arms wrapping around his neck. He then lifted her up in his strong arms and took her into the room, as she wrapped her legs around his waist. He intensified the kiss and placed her on the bed, he took his jacket off, not breaking the kiss.

He then began to slowly pull away "you sure you wanna do this?" he asked "I want you" she said lustfully, he smiled and took his t-shirt off. She smiled sexily "what?" he asked raising an eyebrow "this is better than I every imagined" she said looking at his toned upper body "you've been imagining me naked?" he asked, she kneeled on the bed and wrapped her arms around his neck "I've been imagining non stop about you being naked in my bed ever since we met" she said, before kissing him. She then took her top off and threw it on the other side of the room. "I need to tell you a secret" he said "what's that?" she asked "I've been thinking exactly the same thing about you being naked in my bed" he said before taking her legs from underneath her, her back then went onto the bed, she giggled.

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