Chapters 1-2

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Sitting in a corner of the living room, I watched, absent, as the world came to offer their condolences after the funeral of Victoria, which had taken place on this sad morning. I remembered the entrance of the white coffin in the Cathedral of Our Lady of Angels. I imagined Victoria, lying in it, who was now resting in peace. At that moment, it felt like a hot blade was burning my throat. Justine Timberlake's song "Cry Me A River" accompanied her descent to the altar, along with a gospel choir that had been requested for the event. She'd loved this song so much that we'd decided, my friends, her family, and I, to pay tribute to her by playing it to escort her on this last trip.

"Eat something, Zoe," Asarys begged, coming to bring me a plate with quiche and other slices of pies.

"I'm not hungry," I replied in a barely audible whisper, staring at the void.

"You have to pull yourself together. Do it for Vicky."

A violent punch struck me in the chest. I took the plate from Asarys with a trembling hand, wishing deep inside that she would go after that. Unfortunately, it was not the case.

"Tonight, you can fall apart if you want, Zoe. But not here, not now. This week has been emotional for everyone. The preparation for the funeral took a long time for each of us, but everything will stop after today."

My friend's voice disappeared in a distant echo. My thoughts brought me back to earth. I felt like the coffin was going down into a bottomless pit, realizing that Victoria's body would never be on earth again. When I returned to the moment, my eyes stopped on Lily. I couldn't help but find her so humble, even though her eyes had emptied of all emotion and gaiety. How could I continue to live here when every corner of this house reminded me of her memory?

"Zoe?" David timidly asked, approaching. "Drink something."

I looked at the glass of water he held out to me. The three of them were here, of course. How could it have been otherwise? Asarys and Lexy were busy in the kitchen with Miss Arlette. With all these guests, a little help wasn't too much. At that moment, I heard David clear his throat, then added,

"Do you have any idea where the boys are? Their absence this morning surprised everyone...especially Faïz's."

My eyes closed again. It was as if David were talking about someone missing for so long and that we would never see again. When he'd heard about his sister's death, a part of him went away with her. The part that was left was only anger and darkness. Damn it! Where could he be now? No one could speak to him, not even his mother. He was sweating revenge, most of the time reclusive in his loft, moping with his dark ideas.

"I don't know, David," I sighed.

"Get him and the group together as soon as possible," he said just loud enough for me to hear.

My eyes finally met my friend's to question him. He added, "I started to work on the photos taken of the Callis, and there may be an answer. Don't get carried away. This is just the beginning."

"Very well. I will contact him today."

David was going to leave to take care of the hosts, but he stopped.

"Why did you ask me if there were any free places on campus that day, two days ago?"

"I don't think I will stay here. Lily needs to grieve. The Mattew must take time for themselves."

"Oh, I understand."

He hesitated for a second, deciding whether to leave me alone or not, then ended up leaving.

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