Chapters 7-3

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The drivers of the two cars were waiting for us to get inside. I watched Asarys and Ray, who seemed to be having a serious, somewhat tense discussion. I was hoping that the situation would get better between them.

"Zoe?" William asked me. "It's time to go."

"Let's go meet Father Fouras!" Lexy exclaimed with a loud laugh as she climbed into the back of the vehicle.

William looked at me.

"A French TV show," I told him.

"You have strong ideas about this shaman," he said, skeptical, while letting me pass in front of him.

The sliding door of the vehicle closed automatically on us. Through the tinted glass, my eyes didn't leave the entrance to the inn, where I hoped I'd see him appear.

"Faïz won't come! He got up at dawn and started his day hard."

The hint of jealousy in William's voice wasn't unnoticed. I pretended not to notice, even if deep inside me, the power of my disappointment was strong. Asarys and Ray had just gotten into the second car behind us. Suddenly, with a slight shake, our vehicle rose silently to gain altitude a few meters from the ground. We were getting used to this mode of transportation, but not the heavy fog that hid the light of day. I missed the California sun terribly.

The blue cliffs gradually detached from the clouds. The trip seemed short, perhaps due to the lively discussions between us. William had produced, on a touch pad, the map of the island, with all the notations on the corners explored by the different teams. There were no trails, caves, or rivers missing. The wind near the coasts was blowing stronger, creating a disturbance when we landed. The sound of the waterfalls brought me back to the unpleasant reminiscences of my last excursion with Faïz.

"It's going to be fine," reassured Lexy, putting her head on my shoulder. "There are five of us against Father Fouras when he isn't even trying to lift a finger!"

The beating of my heart subsided. My friend was right. Today's getaway consisted of an interview that had been previously organized by the two governments. No program changes were expected this time.

The vehicle landed on the top of a cliff with sharp knife edges. As I got out, I was instantly unwell. Prone to vertigo, the emptiness under my feet paralyzed me on the spot. It was impossible for me to take one more step.

"Well, of course!" grumbled Asarys, who had joined us near the vehicle. "It looks like it's done on purpose. Why did I insist on coming to this damn country?"

"I... Oh no... And I thought it would be a makeshift shelter deep in the woods," I said, horrified, ready to pass out.

Ray approached close to the void without any fear. He admired the view and then took a deep breath.

"The waterfalls are just below us," he said, waving his hand for us to join him.

Seeing no one coming, he turned to us, looking annoyed.

"Well, what? We are just twelve hundred meters above sea level. Get a bit of courage! For your information, the shaman's temple is not located here, but at the very top."

He pointed towards the sky behind us.

"Who turns around first?" Lexy asked in a low voice, paralyzed with fear.

"Go ahead, Asarys," I said, short of breath. "You've always been the bravest out of the three of us."

"What? Not at all!" she said, "I'm shitting myself. And besides, if I remember correctly, it's you, Lexy who has already been bungee jumping!"

"Yes, in a place that was indicated on Google maps, and at the time, demons, wizards, and hell didn't exist for me in this world!"

William's laughter surprised us and we turned to him.

"Come on, ladies! Be experienced hikers."

With wide eyes, I walked the steep path on the side of a mountain, which seemed endless.

"You'd have to know you were immortal or crazy to think of climbing all that," I whispered in fear.

"And to go back down?" Lexy asked, just as anxious.

"The cars will pick us up directly up there," said William, following in our footsteps.

"Is that a joke?" I cried in amazement and encouraged by the exclamations of my two friends.

Ray walked past us too, adding,

"Our dear shaman, Issei, wants us to climb this mountain, alone and without help, so... How did he say it again?"

"So we can get out of our comfort zone," William added. "We have to go beyond our limits."

"I call it 'defying death!" rebelled Lexy, crossing her arms.

"I'm going to beat him up!" Asarys growled, out of herself.

Ray and William walked away from us and started their ascent. We trotted behind, not wanting to stay alone in that place.

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