Chapters 13-2

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After long hours of torture spent in the lake, the three of us were seated and alone in the refectory, with a large blanket on our backs and a cup of hot tea in our hands. Emptied of all energy, we gradually realized that the last act was going to be played tomorrow. Outside, night had fallen.

"And if this evening with Faïz is his way of saying goodbye to me in case things go wrong tomorrow?" I said in a low voice, staring blankly.

The words I had just spoken broke the heavy silence that had settled for several minutes between the girls and me.

"Then it will be a goodbye," replied Asarys, who gave me a sincere and sad smile at the same time.

"At least you won't die a virgin!" Lexy said as she sank into her seat.

"Very classy! Typical Lexy," I sighed without taking the trouble to respond to her remark further.

"Look," said Asarys, putting her hand on my arm, "it's your evening. Don't think about anything else. The world will need you tomorrow, not tonight! Live each of these seconds as if they were the last. These moments with him will be forever engraved in your memory."

The noise of the swinging doors made us jump. Our eyes immediately turned to the entrance, where Faïz appeared. His normally untidy hair was this time brought back in a disciplined fashion. His shirt was tucked into his dark jeans, giving him a neat look. He had a sensuality that could have melted any woman at that moment. Asarys cleared her throat, which brought me back to the moment, and I remembered to breathe. She spoke to Lexy.

"Well, it's time for us to leave them."

Lexy tilted her head back, groaning.

"You will surely have a better evening than us."

She rose with a sigh to follow Asarys, who had already disappeared. For my part, I continued to stare at Faïz, still captivated by his charisma. When my friends had left, he walked over to take a seat right in front of me. When he plunged his black eyes into mine, I felt my heart speed up and a feeling of warmth invaded my whole body right down to my fingertips. The memory of the hours spent in the freezing water was only a distant memory.

"How are you?" he asked me anxiously, trying to read my eyes.

"Much better."

"Seeing you in thfe pool reminded me of bad memories. I wish I could have stopped everything, but—"

"I know! Just tell yourself it was necessary. Look at me, I don't seem to be doing too bad."

My words seemed to relieve his conscience. A broad smile split his face and it didn't take much to forget that bad moment. Asarys was right: nothing else should matter tonight. Nothing else, except him.

"Are you ready?" Faïz asked me in a voice full of promise.

"Almost... I just have to go back to the dorm."

"All right. We will return at dawn. I'll be waiting for you outside."

Faïz came to place a delicate kiss on my lips and I stopped breathing. Those few seconds were enough to make my head spin. When he got up, I had trouble immediately regaining my senses.

Just out of the shower, I was busy in the dorm choosing an outfit to wear for tonight. Dressed in a simple robe and my hair still wet, I looked, disillusioned, at my wardrobe, which was practically empty.

"Zoe," said Lexy. "You've been hesitating for almost ten minutes between four pants and two overalls. Is the choice as drastic as that?"

I turned around, furious about her claim. Indeed, she knew how important this date with Faïz meant to me, yet she couldn't help provoking me.

"I just want to look different from the last few weeks."

"Don't worry about that!" Asarys intervened in a neutral tone, nose plunged into a book. "You could transform a potato bag into a trendy outfit."

"Is that true?"

"NO!" replied Lexy, raising her eyes to the sky, scandalized by our friend's words. "Try to do your best and save appearances for tonight."

I crossed my arms, glaring at her, then turned back to my wardrobe where I grabbed beige cargo pants and a white T-shirt. Without a word, I went to change in the bathroom, slamming the door behind me.

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