Chapters 12-4

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"They are crossing the line!" rebelled Faïz in the entrance hall of the inn. "The government is ready to do anything to complete this mission, even if it means sending innocent citizens to the stake. Barthey and the others make me sick."

Hidden from my gaze, my back against the wall, I listened to the conversation between the two young men. Ray, in his calm voice, seemed to weigh all his words before speaking in order to calm his friend.

"Zoe is stronger than you think. She was the one who got you out of that cave before you ran out of blood, and"

"Let me remind you that she risked her life that day!" Faïz cut him off coldly. "There's no way that situation will happen again. I'll go alone to get that damn cursed stone."

"You know as well as I do that the Twilight Brotherhood will do everything to keep it at the bottom of the lake. I don't agree with Barthey's plan, but we have no choice! We can't fight our opponent and at the same time be at the bottom of the water. Think about it."

"Ray is right!"

Frowning and his forehead wrinkled with worry, Faïz glared at me.

"Are you kidding, Zoe?" he asked in a brittle voice.

"For once, try to see things differently," I begged him while advancing towards him.

Faïz put his hands to his face as if to think better and then tugged on the roots of his hair, tortured by the decision he had to make.

"You'll be there to cover us," I continued, encouraged by Ray's glances. "You are the one who will be there to protect us. Everything will be fine."

Faïz turned his back on me, his hands resting on his hips.

"Tomorrow we're going to get the ruby," Ray intervened. "After that, we will all be back in Los Angeles before the end of the week."

Hearing these words, Faïz turned suddenly. Anxious for his reaction, I dared not say a word, fearing that our efforts to convince him would ultimately fail. He looked at his friend with an impartial glance, then sighed deeply, shaking his head.

"Ray, would you please leave us?" queried Faïz.

Asarys' companion gave me a skeptical look before reluctantly doing so.

The hall was now empty. Only Faïz and I were left. I found myself imagining this place full of visitors and travelers from all walks of life and it immediately seemed warmer. I looked again at Faïz, who was looking at me with an indecipherable expression. His anger seemed to have dissipated, taking with it the fury that had obscured his eyes and which now gave way to deep tenderness. He walked slowly toward me, looking disappointed, then gently took my hand as I watched him.

"I would like to show you something. Or rather, a place. The Kobolds say of this place that it can heal any soul, even the most tormented."

The softness of his palm in mine and the great hesitation in his voice forced me to lower my shield. The turnaround destabilized me somewhat, but Faïz seemed so vulnerable at the moment that I couldn't blame him.

"What is this place?"

"It's a surprise. You'll see tonight."

"Tonight? It's...sudden. I didn't expect it."

"I agree," he replied, looking amused, before being serious again. "It's time to end this day with Barthey and the others!"

I put a hand on Faïz's cheek, who closed his eyes for a second as if to better appreciate this moment. He drew me closer to him and I buried my face in the crook of his neck before whispering, "You can make suggestions, or suggest other solutions. It's called negotiating. Please, this is important for the cohesion of the group."

"I know. I—"

His body stiffened at that moment and I immediately raised my head to look at him to understand what was going on. His mood had once again changed. He pulled away from me slightly before declaring,

"William is here. I think he wants to talk to me."

I turned quickly. Faïz was right, William was posted a little further away, and watched us with a look that froze my blood.

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