Chapters 4-4

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Sitting on the balcony of our dormitory, which was reserved for women, I had been staring at the imposing mountain in the distance for a while. Meanwhile, Lexy had fun jumping and moving around the room. Asarys, sitting in one of the armchairs next to me, tried to ignore her, as if what her friend was doing didn't deserve her attention.

"We aren't going to eat vegetarian all the time during our stay here!" complained Asarys, furious.

"I thought the dinner was excellent."

"Me, too," added Lexy while continuing her leaps. "We mustn't forget that everything is thought to preserve the biodiversity of the island, as well as its ecosystem."

"Ecology is annoying after a while!" snapped Asarys. "A slice of steak from time to time won't decimate Eros, and put your damn bracelet back on, Lexy! Your kid jumps will end up driving me crazy."

"Fortunately, not all human beings think like you," retorted Lexy, irritated by her comments. "At least respect everyone's lifestyle and culture. I think we have a lot to learn from this country. Everything is healthy here."

Asarys raised her hands to the sky with a mocking sneer.

"Healthy? Damn it, Lexy, do you hear yourself? I remind you that a damn dead woman runs the streets to stumble at passersby that she comes across! We aren't in paradise, but hell."

At the same time, two small knocks sounded on the door. Asarys jumped up and rushed to the door, surely hoping to see Ray one last time today. The disappointment could be read on her face when she returned to the terrace moments later.

"It's for you," she said sullenly.

Curious and impatient to ask my many questions to William, I strolled across the room.

"Faïz?" I said, surprised, after half-opening the door.

"He's still in the conference room. The meeting is likely to end late," he said slowly, looking harder and harder.

Although his tone was calm and his posture flawless, his face betrayed a certain annoyance when he realized that it wasn't him that I'd expected.

"What's going on?" I asked to end this coldness between us.

His closed look finally softened.

"Tomorrow and the following days, we will have to get up early to find the ruby. But before that, we will have to explore every square centimeter of this island to know it by heart."

"All right. I'll warn the girls."

"Meet at the entrance of the inn tomorrow at dawn."

When I was about to close the door, Faïz blocked it with his foot. His mood suddenly changed. Now I could read a certain fear on his face.

"I'm next door if...there is the slightest problem, the slightest danger. Call me. Okay?"

"No!" I said in an almost inaudible voice, both tinged with sadness and haunted with anger. "I'd rather die."

Faïz turned pale upon hearing these words, and a desperate pain could be read in his eyes. Before succumbing and going back on my words, I closed the door.

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