Chapters 14-4

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Barefoot, I stepped on a floating wooden pontoon which overlooked small houses on stilts above the water. The distance from the next closest one made us feel like we were alone in this unique setting. I held my shoes in my hand, while my soaked pants creaked with each movement. Faïz walked in front of me, his shirt resting on his shoulder. I took the opportunity to contemplate his back, which had absolutely perfect muscles.

"Are there really people who live here all year round?"

"No," replied Faïz, slowing down his pace. "Kobolds come here for the holidays or just for a short break. It's one of the most popular places on the island."

"I'm not surprised," I whispered to myself, turning to look at Eros, which was now a little further behind us.

Seen from this crystalline lagoon, the land with multiple reliefs seemed to be vertical. I would miss its colors and the waterfalls that came out of the imagination. The sea wind made my hair float in the air and, for the first time in weeks, I almost felt at home.

Faïz let me enter the living room first, after opening the front door of the house. As I walked through the entrance, my gaze instinctively turned toward the ceiling and I was amazed to find that it was made entirely of glass. A magnificent starry panorama offered a grand spectacle. I then looked down to quickly back away from the door. The floor was just as transparent, and overlooked the lower part of the house, which was reached by elevator. After a short moment of panic, I walked hesitantly, examining the modern decor of the place, mixed with the culture of the island that I was getting to know. In the middle of the room, a hearty dinner awaited us on a sumptuously set table. I walked silently through the living room to arrive at a pretty outdoor terrace, which gave the possibility of bathing directly in the ocean.

"It''s beautiful."

I turned to Faïz, who was following me discreetly for fear of disturbing this enchantment. "Thank you." I added, and advanced towards him.

His arms curled lovingly around me when my head rested against his chest.

"Before dinner, I suggest you go change. You'll feel more comfortable in dry clothes."

Without saying a word, I nodded.

Nervous, I tried as best I could to calm the sudden growing anxiety by taking a deep breath. Come on, Zoe! You've been dreaming of this moment for months. In the bathroom mirror was reflected the Italian marble that sublimated the room. From the outside, this house on stilts didn't give the impression of having such a decor, let alone with cutting-edge technology. My hands were holding the sink firmly as I tried to focus on my breathing to slow down my heartbeat. I hesitated to put on my tank top with the shorts that I had brought with me for my overnight wear, but I couldn't see myself going out of here in my underwear, either. I tugged at the roots of my hair and cursed myself for being so modest. Bodies. Faïz had touched dozens before me. This night wasn't going to seem exceptional to him. I imagined him upstairs, munching on the candlelit dinner that had been prepared, eager to see me arrive so we could actually start it. Determined, I took a deep breath and turned to open the door.

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