Chapters 12-5

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William stared at Faïz with great animosity when he came to join him. He looked away at the floor as Zoe walked past him to join the group, which had just left for the refectory, preventing her from reading all the disappointment he was feeling inside. Uncomfortable, she had a moment of hesitation, no longer knowing if she should stay or not.

"I'll join you," said Faïz to distance her from the man he'd considered from the start a real competitor in their relationship.

A feeling of annoyance caught him in the gut when he noticed the way Zoe was looking at William. He didn't understand the distress deep in her eyes. Jealousy overwhelmed him when he realized that she really cared about him. Instinctively, Faïz stepped in front of Zoe, forcing her to look away from him. She finally withdrew, death in her soul.

"It's killing you that you know what I mean to her," said William, satisfied. "Don't hold it against her."

"What do you want?" asked Faïz in a measured voice.

He restrained himself so as not to embed his rival in the wall behind him.

"Everyone needs a break. Let the group rest for a few hours. I suggest you continue this meeting with only Ray and Barthey, as well as Dewei, Min, and Malika. We will then report to them on what the seven of us have decided for the future."

"All right! Good for me."

Faïz looked at his watch and added, "let's contact your brother and David for the second part of this meeting. Maybe they have something new to tell us."

Without waiting for an answer, he walked away from William to go back to the conference room.

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