Chapters 10-5

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William went to Faïz's room to make sure that Faïz's condition remained stable. To his surprise, he noticed that the door to the room was slightly open. On guard, he looked around to make sure no one had followed him. Worried, he then opened the door wide and noticed with amazement that the young man's bed was empty. William rushed inside the room after turning on all the lights, realizing immediately that Faïz had disappeared. Panic-stricken, he strode up and down the corridors, hoping that he was still inside the inn. If Faïz tried to reach the girls, he would undoubtedly mess up the entire mission.

"Karl?" cried William, rushing into the conference room. "Faïz is—"

His gaze swirled across the room and landed on the one he had been looking for. The young man, seated in an armchair, looked at the various screens in front of him without paying attention to William.

"Mr. Mattew woke up a short time ago, just after the group left," explained Dewei, who came to meet William to invite him to sit around the table with them.

"I was scared you went to join the girls," said William in a low voice, taking his place next to Faïz.

"I know where my place is!"

William clenched his jaw to avoid making a scandal and leaned towards him.

"Given the choice, I'd prefer you dying in your bed."

Faïz turned to him, his facial features distorted by anger. But before he could answer anything, Barthey spoke to interrupt their heated exchange.

"The world has been getting worse for several weeks."

The inspector immediately distributed images that were inundating the web, television, news, and social media around the world. The stupor gave way to silence in the face of the videos, which showed major fires in the mouths of the London underground, a large explosion at the Eiffel Tower in Paris which caused its fall, historic monuments like museums invaded by terrorist groups in Egypt, or the hostage taking in the parliament of South Africa by a revolutionary militia. The tragic events also extended to the United States, China, and eastern countries. Chaos, as violent as hell, fell on the whole world, evil in all its forms. Faïz, helpless, held his head in his hands.

"The Leviathans?" he asked.

"Not enough!" replied Barthey. "The red stone is our only solution now."

Faïz jumped up, his fists clenched.

"Turn it off!" he ordered, disgusted by all these images of desolation. "I have to get out of here, get some fresh air."

He rushed to theexit. At that moment, Barthey signaled to the team members to let him gowithout holding him back. The inspector knew that Faïz would stay at the inn. Thestakes were far too high. Zoe was the only person the young man would nevertake any risks for.

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