Chapters 4-3

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"Damn bracelet," complained Asarys, tweaking the little white and red thing. "I feel like I'm going to go hunting the Yokai with that!"

"This thing can't even tell us the time," added Lexy, who was just as annoyed.

While my two acolytes complained about the box called "Gravity"—not very aesthetic, it had to be admitted—the crew, as well as Faïz and William, were busy gathering our luggage on the tarmac with only flashlights. The place was deserted. No airport had been built there. Only a runway, intended for take-off and landing of aircraft, contrasted with this wild landscape, an enchanting place preserved by human hands. Suddenly Asarys walked away from us. In the distance, Ray and Inspector Barthey came to meet us. I couldn't help but put a slight smile on the corner of my lips when my friend jumped into the arms of the man who seemed to have missed her so much.

"Do you think we should remind them that we didn't come here for tourism?" grumbled Lexy.

"I think the Yokai bracelet will do it," I mocked.

"Zoe?" Lexy asked me, dumbfounded.

I immediately pulled myself together, worried about my friend's puzzled expression.

"You just laughed," said Lexy, still in shock. "Well, I mean you just sincerely laughed!"

She was right. Without expecting it, I forgot for a moment the sadness that lived in me. Was it really possible to cure everything? If it was, something deep inside me didn't want it. My thoughts were suddenly drowned in a thud that came from the sky. When I looked up, I saw several machines comparable to flying bubbles floating for a moment above our heads and then landing without difficulty in front of us.

"What are those things?" declared Lexy, stunned.

"I have no idea. The fourth dimension?" I murmured, just as dumbfounded.

"This is one of the car models found on Eros," explained William, who had come to join us, luggage under his arm.

I expected to see men out of these three vehicles in suits and dark glasses like in the movies, but to my surprise there appeared a man dressed in a light tracksuit, and a woman dressed in a simple T-shirt tucked into her jeans.

"Good evening. Welcome to Eros," the man greeted us with a broad smile.

He hastened to meet us with a limping step, followed by the much smaller woman.

"I am Robert Price, the Prime Minister of this country," he introduced himself in a soft voice, then left the floor to his colleague.

"Ayame Min, Minister of the Armed Forces. I will be your eyes and your ears on the island during the mission."

Her strong handshake surprised me and almost made me cry a little. I turned to Lexy, who was shaking her aching knuckles, looking at me with big eyes and rosy cheekbones. Despite the darkness and helped by the light of the headlights of these large metallic bubbles, I managed to distinguish the graceful features of the young minister, who appeared to be in her thirties. Her little black eyes on her cold complexion seemed to pierce us. Fortunately, her thin, upturned nose broke the strict look that her dark, short bobbed hair gave her.

"The trip must have seemed long," said the Prime Minister, clapping his hands. "We will escort you to your inn. Dinner awaits you there."

The place was obviously subjected to daily, meticulous cleaning. Until now, the idea of combining the term 'inn' and 'luxury' was unthinkable for me. However, it had to be admitted, this charming and modern complex was a building with entirely ecological architecture. It was Howard, one of the inn's staff, who was responsible for showing us around. This man, with a massive physique and a wide neck, seemed proud to show—for the first time to tourists—this gleaming complex with many facilities—with modern and innovative standards, of course. I couldn't say what impressed me most during our visit, the marble corridors with an authentic mosaic floor, or the view with a splendid panorama from the roof. The stars seemed to rain on the city in the distance, as well as on the whole island. It was the first time I saw such a clear night and breathed such pure air. On that open roof, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

"Zoe?" Asarys said softly. "We are expected to have dinner."

I then noticed that there were only my two friends, Howard, and me left on the huge terrace.

"Where are the others?" I asked, scanning my surroundings.

Lexy slowly approached me and whispered in my ear,

"They left for a videoconference with the leaders of the two governments."

"Ah, yes... Uh... I forgot the shooting of our documentary."

We left without delay in the direction of the refectory. Despite the serene air on my face, I was bubbling inwardly to be once again sidelined from the mission.

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