Chapters 1-4

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In a dark, damp warehouse near Cobb Estate, Virgil, lying on the ground, had been dying for several minutes. Faïz, a few meters from him, didn't give him the slightest importance. Silent, he wiped with his T-shirt, his chest dripping with sweat after a fierce fight against this enemy who was once one of his closest collaborators against evil.

"I... F...Faïz," begged Virgil, gasping for air, exhausted.

The young man was suffocating. He knew he would soon be out of this world and he didn't want to leave without asking for forgiveness.

"If I knew... If I knew that Victoria would lose her life, I swear that I would never have cooperated."

"Let me finish this bastard!"

Ray's furious voice had just echoed in this sinister desert place, inhabited by darkness. The dim light made the shadows of the people in the warehouse dance.

"Faïz," intervened William, "let's hand them over to the authorities. What you're doing won't help you. They may have information that may be useful to us."

"We don't care what they have!" said Ray, annoyed. "They took our sister from us!"

Faïz, ignoring the argument between Ray and William, picked up the caliber on the table in front of him without saying a word. The same weapon that was used to kill Victoria. He slowly approached the man who, in the cloudiness of the place, was tied to a chair a little further, in a straitjacket. The young man's hatred for this evil being permeated him every second a little more by reducing all that was good in him.

"You go beyond all his expectations," said Ogres in a victorious tone.

"Stop! Can't you see that's what he wants?" yelled William at the other end of the building.

Ray didn't say a word. The pain in his chest was far too great to feel any mercy. If Faïz decided to stop everything and spare these men, he didn't intend to stop there.

"You could have served evil like no other. What a waste! Look at you, you are made for it," continued Ogres, admiring the darkness of the soul of his executioner.

William's hand gripped Faïz's arm. Faïz immediately turned to him. The young man then returned among the living.

"That's not you, my brother!" William insisted. "You are justice, you are for freedom, you are the chosen one. Think of your mother. She needs her son."

The latter's words shook Faïz. For the first time, he hesitated, and the memory of Victoria's sweet gaze appeared to him at that moment. Ray watched the scene in the distance, skeptical, ready to capitulate too, if that was what his friend wanted.

"Finally, I might live long enough to see the green-eyed woman drown in the pool of her own blood," said Ogres in a low voice, lowering his head.

The rifle, still in Faïz's hands, began to burn hispalms. William realized at this second that he had just lost him in the deepestabysses where only darkness could survive. He looked away, then closed his eyes.The sound of the gun shot didn't surprise him.

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