Chapters 17-2

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At the mansion of the Seventh Earth, William savored the freshness of this great stay, a glass of Martini in his hand, until Julio burst into the room. The grave air on his face indicated nothing good.

"Can I serve you an Americano?" suggested William, who was going to a small shelf.

"No, thank you," Julio replied uneasily. "Faïz came here this morning."

William stopped to turn to his brother and immediately questioned him.

"He left a letter for you on the library shelf."

Julio ran a hand behind his neck and continued,

"He's leaving L.A. and doesn't intend to return, unless—"

"Unless The Maestro forces him to. Asshole!"

He violently threw his glass of Martini against the wall, which exploded into a thousand pieces, then began to walk the living room, grumbling, mad with rage.

"What about Zoe? He thinks he can throw her away like that! Who does he think he is? She will never get over it. I knew it, I knew he would break her."

The young man went to get the envelope at the other end of the room and, without bothering to open it, tore it, dropping the confetti on the floor.

Meanwhile, not far from Santa Monica, Rachelle was filling a glass of lemonade to serve it to her guest, who was standing on the porch.

"Do you want to sit down?" she proposed politely, pointing to the rattan bench.

Faïz shook his head no.

"Listen, you can't reappear and ask me that," said the young woman calmly. "I haven't heard from you for weeks, do you realize that? You and your group supposedly had to go to this country near China to do a project that the university gave you, and you almost came back with a foot in the grave. I'm tired of all these secrets. You think I'm a fool. What about Zoe?"

A heavy silence then settled between the two of them and Rachelle ended up sitting on the bench, nervously waiting for the young man's answer.

"It's over."

The young woman raised an eyebrow, unconvinced by what he said, then raised her hands in the air.

"I can't follow you to New York! I know you're leaving tonight, but I want to be happy."

"You won't be unhappy. Rachelle, look at me. We need each other and you know it. You can't imagine living your life with someone else, and I—"

Faïz paused to find the right words and then said,

"In life, we have to make choices. You're the only one who can help me move on. The truth is, I'm not made for her, and vice versa."

Faced with the dismay of the young man who seemed to be trying to convince himself of his words, Rachelle preferred to look away.

"I don't know. All of this is so fast. You understand, I have no guarantee that you won't abandon me once again at the first opportunity that comes along."

At that moment, Faïz approached Rachelle and, with the tips of his fingers, lifted her chin slightly to force her to defy his gaze. At his touch, the young woman startled and immediately lost her calm in the face of his unreal beauty. He then put a knee on the ground. Now at her height, he plunged his eyes to the bottom of hers and asked in a calm and determined tone,

"Rachelle Connor, will you marry me?"

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