Chapters 5-4

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In the racing boat that was spinning at a dizzying pace, I observed the beauty of the coast. Despite the speed at which our boat was moving, we weren't disturbed by its vibrations, nor disturbed by the noise of the engine, as if we were finally flying over the water. In the distance, all of the many waterfalls seemed to surround the island and reflected a phosphorescent bluish light, allowing this land to be seen more than ten kilometers away.

"These waterfalls are called Solis Falls," my guide told me. He was standing next to me at the controls of the device.

"And where does the color come from?"

"The cliffs are made of blue chalk. The water in these waterfalls is a precious source of hydroelectric power."

I glanced back at the falls. Faïz, lost in thought, watched the starry sky. The air had warmed, and the fog had finally dissipated, as if the island allowed us, for a few hours, to contemplate its view of natural wonders. I hesitated to join him for a moment, but I finally chose to stay with Zerkô. Part of me still refused to reconcile with him. Even if we teamed up on this mission, I didn't want to let him take over my emotions. Indeed, there were too many things at stake for me to let his divergent mood rub off on my spirits and distract me from the main objective.

"We should have gone inland!"

Faïz's brittle voice surprised me. He was now right behind me.

"I wanted to finish this expedition in the cave of the nymphs," justified our guide, confused.

"It wasn't in the program! I made it clear from the start that we had to follow our instructions."

"Maybe this visit will be useful to us," I intervened in order to ease the tension that had suddenly arisen between the two men.

"We can still turn around," said Zerkô, "but you won't be at the inn on time for dinner. We lost precious time at the place of the pineapple leaves harvest. The boat was the best way to catch up."

Faïz sighed then turned to me, assessing the situation. I remained silent when I saw that expression on his face. I didn't recognize him. Was he angry, or just anxious? Impossible to know at that moment. Our eyes fixed for a long time, then he turned, still looking grave, to go back to the rear of the boat.

Our boat entered slowly between two waterfalls, in a huge cavern which contained an incredible palette of colors. Before our eyes stood a spectacular picture.

"The cave of the nymphs was shaped by lava millions of years ago. It's located at the base of a volcano," Zerkô explained to us in a low voice, as if not to disturb the rest of the soul of this magical place.

The walls shone as if a thousand and one diamonds had been hung there. The water, clear and pure blue, was reflected on the walls, which further accentuated the patterns of erosion. Faïz and I looked around us, stunned once again by the unique setting.

"I imagine this place also has a history," I said softly, staring at the ceiling of the cave, similar to that of a cathedral.

"For some, this cave was inhabited by mermaids, and for others, by demons. It all depends on how you see things."

I didn't notice his last words. The legends were complex, and I realized it even more today. The boat eventually ran aground on the sand. It was then that our guide stopped the engine.

"Mr. Mattew, if you want to take photos and a few notes, don't hesitate. This place is inaccessible from the ground. You won't have another opportunity."

Faïz hesitated for a moment, then reluctantly decided to follow Zerkô, who already had his feet on the ground.

"Miss Reyes?" Zerkô invited me to come down, holding out his hand.

"No!" Faïz said, his voice echoing throughout the cave. "She stays in the boat."

Annoyed by his attitude, I threw my bag violently on the sand.

"I also want to take the opportunity to visit this cave."

Faïz's anger seemed to come out of his eyes. He shook his head in disapproval, then looked at Zerkô with a wicked look before starting his walk without bothering to wait for us.

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