Chapters 16-4

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"You should be sitting in that bloody wheelchair," Ray said, exasperated.

The young man ignored the remark of his friend, who continued to lecture him while he installed the chest containing the shell in the hold of the jet that was waiting to leave.

"Did you tell Zoe everything?" Ray insisted.

Faïz sighed before answering.

"I couldn't, and I can even less now, looking at her state."

"You're not serious. It's not just about you! You are my brother, a flawless landmark for me, but here I give up."

"What do you mean?" Faïz cut him off in an icy tone.

Ray approached the young man, his gaze threatening.

"It means that you made your choice, and I made mine!"

"My choice is the world. It's humanity, and everything else will go after!"

"If you really love Zoe, save her. Get out of her life for good. She deserves to go first, and you know it. For my part, you no longer exist."

Shocked by the words of his friend, Faïz didn't reply. He watched Ray walk away to board the jet without trying to hold him back, knowing deep down that he was right.

The inspector stood on the tarmac, watching the green landscape of the island for the last time. Faïz's approach didn't distract him.

"I'm happy to leave this island at night," Karl said in a low voice. "I'm leaving with this last image of Eros. It's probably better this way."

Hands in his pockets, Faïz approved the inspector's words with a long silence, then asked,

"I imagine you will be summoned to the Los Angeles Office of Internal Affairs on Monday? Threatening a political leader with a weapon. You risked a lot."

Karl shrugged as the only answer.

"Thank you. You saved us."

"What did the doctors tell you about Zoe?" asked the inspector in a more serious tone.

"She will surely have headaches for another ten days and must absolutely rest. My parents have been told. They will take good care of her."

Barthey, intrigued, quickly turned to observe the young man.

"And you?"


Faïz lowered his head and shook it vigorously, thinking back to his friend's words, then he said,

"I'm the one she's going to have to learn to hate."

Karl opened his mouth, then closed it again. He ran a hand nervously through his hair and stared again at the volcanoes in the distance, which overlooked the island.

"Think again," continued the young man with a sharp pain in his chest. "I don't want that role, but we both know what I'm going to do. Asarys, Alexia... Whether today or tomorrow, Zoe will end up hating Ray. A Banshee is never wrong."

"Don't be too hasty to draw a conclusion. The threat from The Maestro left when we took the ruby out of the lake. It may take years, decades, or even several offspring before he manifests again. It's good news. In the end, you may never have the opportunity to confront him in this life."

"It doesn't change anything! The danger will always be there. He is sleeping and will come back one day, stronger. We must prepare ourselves and the future generations to be ready when that time comes."

The inspector nodded, sorry for the decision Faïz was making, but he understood the meaning of this sacrifice, which was necessary for the survival of humanity. Indeed, perhaps feelings had no place in this fight against evil. However, he secretly hoped deep down that he would be out of this world when that day arrived, and that human resources would have evolved to exterminate the attacks of this evil conductor once and for all.

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