Chapters 9-2

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We walked towards the exit of the Idaina Megami temple while exchanging our feelings about our meeting with the shaman. Ray, meanwhile, was transmitting an initial investigation report by radio. William, still by my side, finally smiled when he heard Asarys and Lexy quarrel again, right in front of us. I couldn't help but stare at his pretty face for a few moments. Something in me had changed, something indescribable. As if I'd woken up, serene after a long sleep. My hand suddenly came to rest on William's arm.

"Do you feel it?" I asked in a low voice.

"Feel what?"

"Peace, clarity of mind?"

His smile answered in his place and his hand slipped gently into mine. We crossed the exit of the huge building together. Suddenly, I froze on the spot, stunned. The surprise was significant when he saw Faïz pacing in front of a machine whose doors were open like butterfly wings. His gaze immediately fell on my hand, which was still in William's hand, and which I immediately released, uncomfortable. Faïz closed his eyes for a few seconds, as if trying to contain himself with a rage that threatened to explode. He pursed his lips and his jaw muscles contracted. With a dark mood, he finally spoke to Ray in a tone full of reproach.

"Why did you turn off that fucking radio?"

"I... We had to. Issei didn't..."

Faïz raised his hands as if he had heard too much already.

"Ray, William, you're coming with me!" demanded Faïz without even looking at me. "The rest of you can get in the car."

I gave William a worried look. Part of me refused to leave him in this mess of a situation.

"Everything will be fine. I'm used to his mood swings."

In the distance, Faïz was going around in circles and seemed impatient to have to wait for William. I was sorry that he was still taking my friend as a target. Fortunately, Faïz's reproaches didn't affect him, and despite everything, he remained the same with me.

Asarys, Lexy, and I were waiting in the vehicle for the three young men, who continued their lively conversation a little further away. We barely saw them because of the darkness of the night.

"What are they doing?" Asarys growled, tightening her jacket with her hands to warm up better. "I'm so hungry!"

"They must be talking about our interview with Issei," replied Lexy, sitting on the seat opposite me.

Head against the window, she had closed her eyes and seemed to fall asleep.

"I thought Faïz was going to throw himself on William to rip his eyes out when we got out of the temple," Asarys giggled next to her friend.

"Yeah, right!" cried Lexy, who had just straightened up, opening her eyes wide.

The girls watched me with interest. I didn't doubt at that moment the tumult of questions they had in mind.

"So, you and William?" began Lexy.


"Okay, okay," said Asarys, placing her hands on her lap. "You want to talk about it?"


"She doesn't want to talk about it," she said to Lexy with a slight grimace.

Lexy swept the air with a tasteless look before adding,

"I'm willing to talk about it."

"Very good, Lexy! Let's talk about both of them," said Asarys in a falsely serious tone.

I rolled my eyes, praying that the others would come back quickly. Asarys cleared her throat, crossed her legs, and looked very closed, which gave me a slight smile that I immediately tried to hide.

"Alexia Terranova," began Asarys.

"Lexy. Call me Lexy."

"Very well, Lexy! Your friend Zoe Reyes seems completely emotionally lost in the choice she has to make between two young men. One is named William, and the other—"

Asarys pretended to be looking at notes she obviously didn't have in front of her, then went on.

"Faïz. As a close friend of Zoe Reyes, can you shed more light on this situation?"

Lexy put a lock behind her ear, looking bothered, before answering,

"Yes, Zoe Reyes is currently completely lost. It's no secret to anyone. A real weathervane. She doesn't know what she wants or what she desires. The two young men in question are concerned about each having an attractive physique, but that is no excuse!"

"Are you serious?" I cried to put an end to this circus. "Please note that I have confessed my feelings to—"

"We'll give you the floor after," Asarys said dryly. "Lexy's never said anything so interesting, so let her continue. Thank you!"

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