Chapters 2-7

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He nodded, then walked out of the loft with Asarys behind him. Before rushing into the elevator, she turned to us.

"We'll call," she mumbled, mimicking the phone with her hand.

Then the doors closed on her. Lexy started to open her mouth, but William cut her off immediately.

"I'll bring her back. Thanks, Lexy."

"All right. David, it's time for us to leave," she said, taking his arm.

"We'll come see you tomorrow?" David asked me.

"Yes, do that. Thank you for everything."

My friend turned to me, obviously touched by the sincerity of my words. Part of me wanted to go with them, but the other part wanted to face the harsh reality of the moment.

"Let's go?" asked William.

My gaze lingered on the elevator doors, then I turned to the loft door, hesitant.

"Wait for me downstairs, please," I said in a low voice. "I must speak to Faïz. We haven't seen each other since..."

Words failed me to finish my sentence. The pain of my words revived a suffering too present. William, compassionate, gently stroked my cheek. I struggled not to snap then and there.

When everyone had left the loft, I took a deep breath and turned to Faïz. He was standing in the middle of the room, staring at me with bitter despair in his eyes. He seemed to have been waiting for this moment, the one I had dreaded for days. I stepped closer to him and to my surprise, he didn't back away. At that moment, my heart exploded in my chest and my pulse resounded in my temples. His familiar scent brought me back to a time when I had touched happiness with my fingertips.

"I can't, Zoe," he murmured painfully, his eyes looking into mine.

I looked at him, worried.

"You can't?"

"Would you like me to tell you that it wasn't your fault? That no one could have prevented Victoria's murder? Or that you did what you could?"

I shook my head vigorously, trying to find my words.

"I... No... I'm not expecting anything."

I was shocked, taken aback by these words that stabbed me like a blade heated with a tinplate. In an effort, I chased away my tears that threatened to escape.

"I'm going to have to live with this until the end of my days," I managed to articulate painfully. "I suffer every minute a little more, but that's not what scares me. I don't care what can happen to me, Faïz. I fear that time has stopped for you, and I don't wantno, I refuse that you carry the burden when it's mine to bear."

It was with difficulty that I contained the emotion in my voice. Faïz's sparkling eyes seemed to scream all his despair.

"I wish things were different, Zoe, but I can't fill the void I feel. Part of me went with her."

"If only I could have taken her place. I would have given her my life. I know that nothing I can say or do can bring her back."

A tear rolled down my cheek. Faïz took my face in his hands, which was enough to calm my fears and my infinite sadness. Unexpectedly, his lips crashed violently on my forehead. I then closed my eyes, overwhelmed by his great fragility, aware that I desperately needed him.

"If you knew how much I hate myself for hating you so much," he whispered, jaw clenched.

I released myself from his grip and hurriedly backed away, panicked by this reveal. He didn't try to hold me back.

"Yes, Zoe, I will be angry with you until the end of my life. What did you think?"

I stood there, frozen, frightened by his coldness. It took me several seconds to find my voice.

"Nothing, I didn't think anything," I stammered, again in shock. "I realize that I also lost someone else today."

My voice broke and I closed my eyes to gather my thoughts.

"You better go," said Faïz, annoyed. "It may be time to stop making William wait."

Still shocked, I didn't bother to pick up on his heavy sentence. I immediately turned around and ran to the elevator doors, heartbroken, without even saying goodbye.

Dark Faïz (Book 2) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now