Chapters 3-5

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David, Faïz, Inspector Karl Barthey, and an FBI agent were standing in one of the city's federal offices. Despite the tired features on their faces at this late hour of the night, everyone tried somehow to contain their fear listening to David's speech. Indeed, the latter came to bring them a very sad discovery on the part of the Callis.

"This revelation must stay here, between these four walls," insisted FBI Agent Robert Martin, addressing Faïz and Barthey.

The inspector couldn't help but swear by clumsily knocking on his colleague's desk and adding,

"How long can we protect the population before they discover the horror of the situation?"

"Don't worry about it," replied Martin calmly. "The government has been hiding things from them for decades, things they could not even dream of. All this is beyond their imagination, however overflowing, I grant you, but we will give the change, as usual."

Silent, Faïz stared at this agent with his piercing eyes. The medium-sized, frail-looking man didn't reassure the young man, who wondered what a guy like him would do if he found himself facing The Maestro. Would he keep that arrogant look on his face? Suddenly his cell phone started to vibrate, which tore him away from his thoughts and questions. Rachelle's name appeared on his screen. He pursed his lip, regretting what had happened the day before, when she had come to pay him yet another visit, in the evening, at his home. He knew full well that he should have refused her advances. Now, consumed with remorse, he felt a sharp pain banging in his chest. Faïz would one day meet Zoe's gaze, a sad and betrayed look which he alone would be behind.

"You're not answering?" David asked with a hint of reproach in his voice.

Faïz came back to the present moment and put the phone back in his pocket before leaving to sit on the worn sofa, installed at the end of the dimly lit room.

"I still think that Zoe should be aware of this part," said David.

"No way!" Faïz replied furiously, threatening his interlocutor with the darkest glance.

"She's my friend!" cried David, raising his voice. "I can't hide something that affects her directly."

Faïz jumped up, pointing his finger at him. Barthey hastened to stand in front of David, lest the situation escalate.

"I repeat, DO NOT TELL HER. If she's your friend David, if you can give your life for her, like me, then shut up!"

He then addressed the two other men present in the room.

"This information won't leave this room! It's out of the question for her to find out the truth. It would destroy her."

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