Chapters 16-2

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Suddenly, a violent shock struck the back of my knee and knocked me to the ground. Stunned, the man jumped on me. I quickly shifted my body a few inches to counter his assault. When I got up, I struck him a violent and rapid blow in the hollow of his neck with the side of my hand. This attack destabilized him for a moment, but the guru quickly regained control of himself and grabbed my arm to immobilize me on the ground. A cry of pain escaped from me. Facedown, I saw an arrow not far from me, hidden under the cherry blossoms. Taking a deep breath, I lifted my head to hit my enemy's skull with the back of it. He pulled away with a howl of rage, loosening his grip on my arm.

I got up to rush to the arrow. As the guru was about to throw himself at me again, I saw the shadow of Faïz come out of nowhere and counter our adversary. They both rolled on the ground. If Faïz was unharmed, the face of the other warrior was bloody. Indeed, his superhuman force didn't leave much chance to this soldier of death. For the first time, I saw the terrible impact that a Leviathan could have on another human being. However, at that moment, I was happy that Faïz could benefit from this advantage. Dazed, the man wobbled, wiping his bloody face, which was partially mixed with soil. Faïz immediately rushed towards me.

"Are you okay?" he asked, his features twisted with concern.

"Yes, yes."

A stifled laugh forced us to turn around. The man looked at us with a demonic smile that split his face.

"Kushisake will be happy with this offering," he said, plunging his gaze into mine, his eyes sunk into his protruding sockets.

An icy chill ran through my back. This warrior didn't have an ounce of fear in him, despite the violent attack he had just been subjected to.

"It's over!" growled Faïz. "For you, everything ends here."

"You're wrong," exulted the warrior, cracking his neck. "Before I kill you, I want to hear you beg me to spare her."

He then pointed his finger at me and asked,

"Goddess, have you ever danced in Hell?"

My breath stopped. I recognized Kushisake's sentence, when we'd met above this chasm, like the gates of Hell.

"The only place where you will see us dance will be on your grave," replied Faïz, who rushed at him.

He grabbed his opponent's neck and lifted him without difficulty to propel him towards the ground. It was then that the guru closed a shiny, silvery ring on his wrists before crashing to the ground. Faïz immediately froze and seemed to stiffen, thus mitigating the impact of the Kobold's body on the ground. I rushed over to him, aware of the evil power that these bounds gave off. He collapsed in my arms.

"These...these bracelets... It's the same spell as the ring in the cave," he articulated with difficulty.

I tried to take them off with all my strength, but in vain. The warrior, a little further on, was standing again and was now slowly walking towards us, as if he were savoring the agony of the weakened young man in front of him. That triumphant smile on his face made him even more terrifying and paralyzed me with dread.

"Go away, Zoe!" gasped Faïz, who seemed to suffer a thousand deaths.

"No! I can't give up on you," I yelled, almost to tears.

"Don't talk nonsense. I won't be able to fight knowing you're right by my side, in danger."

I straightened up, staring at Faïz with a sorry look, and placed myself between him and the colossus, who was jubilant in front of this spectacle.

"We are finally going to be able to fight on equal terms," he declared, clenching his fists, fangs forward, and his eyes filled with hatred. "Are you sure you want to die first?"

"Zoe, don't do that," begged Faïz behind me, trying to get up. "Leave!"

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