Chapters 7-5

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"The doctors are waiting for you," said Barthey to Faïz, who was busy talking by videoconference with several groups of men.

The inspector, irritated by the young man's carefree behavior, went to stand in front of him in order to insist, but the glare that Faïz sent him immediately made him change his mind.

"They recommended the greatest rest," reminded the inspector firmly. "If you bleed too much, you risk dying faster than you think, superhero or not!"

Before he left, Faïz grabbed his arm.

"Bring me the radio!" the young man said without noticing what Barthey had said a few seconds earlier. "I want to know where the others are."

He released his grip and, without adding anything more, decided to continue the conference with the other Leviathans.

"We will know more tonight, when team number two returns. What is the news on your side?"

The sudden silence and discomfort that had just settled over the groups at that moment said nothing good. Faïz put his elbows on the table and joined his hands while waiting for answers. Finally, a man in his forties with a beard began to speak.

"Natural disasters are on an increase everywhere in the world. Floods in Indonesia, mud barrages falling in Brazil, and these repetitive cyclones in Europe. The problem of food shortage threatens the whole world, because biodiversity has never been so endangered. The Maestro recruits a lot of loyal and valiant soldiers. Although many Leviathans are already in the first line, hatred is gaining more and more people. We are overwhelmed."

Faïz ran his hands through his hair. He felt the situation escape from him. Head down, staring blankly, the young man analyzed the situation. After careful consideration, he raised his face.

"Save as much time as possible! We are doing everything to find the ruby as fast as possible. Another team continues during this time to decipher the parts of the Callis. We mustn't give up! Can I count on you?"

"Until death!" replied the bearded man without hesitation.

"Until death!" repeated the others in unison.

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