Chapters 4-5

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Gazing into space, Faïz remembered the painful words he had said to Zoe in his loft and regretted each of his words. It had taken him a long time to weave this fragile bond and to admit the feelings he felt for her. Now those days were over.

"Hey, is everything all right?" Ray asked him, sitting in the conference room next to him.

"Yes," Faïz lied, straightening up in his seat. "I'm exhausted. We have been here for hours. It won't be long before day breaks."

The room, now transformed into a real headquarters, was teeming with people. A group of American commandos, made up of ten men led by Malika, captain of this corps, had just joined Barthey's team. Much information was being exchanged between the current government of Eros and that of the United States. Faïz, silent, turned his head towards William, who spoke with David by webcam. His need to hate him was stronger than anything. Indeed, the jealousy that the young man maintained towards him filled the immense void in his chest.

"Here's a map of the island."

Drowned in his discomfort and busy with dark ideas, Faïz hadn't seen Inspector Barthey come to him. He took the map and began to analyze it.

"The best thing would be to make groups for expeditions. I think it would be more effective," the inspector suggested.

Suddenly, a strange gleam crossed Faïz's eye. He tapped his fingers on the table, thinking for a few seconds, then, satisfied with his idea, turned his gaze again to William.

"Groups?" he said while staring at William. "It's a good idea. I'll take care of it...if you give me the green light."

"You got it! In an hour, I need the list in my hands."

It was now impossible for Faïz to hide an emerging smile at the corner of his lips.

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