Chapters 8-3

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We were all gathered in the center of the room to listen carefully to each word spoken by Issei.

"Our actions, our words, emit vibrations which are instantly transformed into energy. In return, the universe returns similar energies to us. It's the famous law of attraction. If you focus on your thoughts, they will eventually materialize, and the universe will give you what you asked for."

"Is it prayer?" I interrupted the shaman.

"Leave prayer, the gods, and religions aside. All of this was created by man, written by man's hand, for the purpose of serving man. I speak to you of immutable and precise laws. Let's start with a little science, because everything is demonstrable. Our body is a collection of atoms. But what is the atom?"

Issei interrogated us one by one with his eyes.

"Energy," I whispered hesitantly.

"Bingo! The energy in which the atom is found is called a 'field,' and a field is what?"

"A vibration," replied William in turn, arms crossed, focused on trying to understand what our interlocutor was trying to say.

"Albert Einstein was a genius," continued Issei. "You have to rely on his theory of relativity. Indeed, our whole body is made up of vibrations. Let me explain: if you think of something in particular that you miss, you create and nourish that lack. So you have to reverse the process."

"Yeah, well that makes sense," grumbled Lexy in a low voice.

"It's not that simple," said Issei. "We ourselves feed our thoughts, which are transformed into matter. Even the holy, religious books are based on universal laws. What does a passage from the Bible say, for example? 'The things I'm afraid of will come to visit me.' Fear is a negative thought. You have to get rid of it. Nothing happens by chance because everything is connected. It's scientifically proven. Everything is made up of atoms. Nothing that surrounds us is motionless. The objects, the walls, the floor, and everything else are in perpetual motion, except that the human eye can't perceive it. It's the same for sound, thoughts, images. These energies have their own frequency, and a frequency is measured. In no case can the physical and spiritual world be separated from each other. There is no luck or bad luck. An action always has a consequence."

"What about free will?" asked William, puzzled.

"When faced with a situation, we always have a more or less long instant to react. Our reaction will inevitably have a consequence, however small, on the course of events to come. Unconsciously, you mostly delegate this task to your brain, which spends its time analyzing tons of data that you transmit to it."

Issei put a finger on the side of his head.

"It's too perfect to imagine that we come from preexisting species, designed from molecules."

"However, in a sense, you say that the gods don't exist, that they are the invention of man, and that the universe directs everything," interrupted Asarys.

"When I speak of egregores, I speak of gods created by men. Thousands of years ago, gods and religions didn't exist. Beliefs have given birth to them over the millennia. Egregore gods exist only because of the man who fed them with positive or negative energies over time. If the egregore is fed with harmful energies, it gradually turns into a demon. By turning away from the Divine Source, man has created an imbalance between good and evil. Just look at what's going on in the world right now. All of humanity is threatened. You must trust your energies, your thoughts, and everything that has been given to you by the Mother Goddess."

The shaman went to the back of the room and put his hand on one of the many sculptures that emerged from the stone wall, revealing a row made up of a dozen swords, with shiny and sharp blades. Issei gently took one of these weapons and turned to us.

"We don't live in any moment at the present moment, because our vision has a lag which is about a third of a second."

Our guide started waving the sword in the air and twirled it above his head in small circles.

"Every movement you see and analyze is actually already gone. To face the tests which await you, you will have to exploit all your cerebral capacities and reduce this shift by a few thousandths of a second in order to be able to fight on equal terms against evil. Your survival depends on it."

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