Chapters 9-5

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While my eyes were staring at the shelves filled with first aid supplies, my mind was focused on the soft music echoing in the room.

"It looks like your wounds are healing well," said the woman doctor, pressing lightly on my ribs.

Her colleague continued to transcribe the notes that she communicated to him as they went along. I wondered if these people allowed themselves a few hours of rest or even sleep during the day. Indeed, they seemed to be fully available at any time of the day and night.

"Do you practice only in this establishment, or everywhere on Eros?" I dared to ask, while straightening up to sit on the bed.

Cotton soaked in alcohol on contact with one of my wounds tore a grimace from me.

"Not exactly," replied the woman in a neutral voice without saying more.

"Are you employed by the American secret services?" I asked, continuing my investigation.

At that moment, the man raised his head slightly from his notes to look at me, then uncomfortable, his eyes turned towards his colleague, who also remained silent on this question.

"By me!"

Faïz's voice surprised me. He was in the doorway behind me and stared at me with a worried pout. How long had he been there watching me? Despite his dark mood, his precious beauty reminded me of my feelings when I saw him for the first time. The woman rushed towards me with a blouse to cover me as quickly as possible before this impromptu visit. Faïz looked away from me, trying to hide a slight smile at the corner of his lips. Perhaps he remembered the memory of when he had returned to my suite in New York, when I barely came out of the bathroom? My cheeks began to blush and I hastily put on the blouse without saying a word.

"Can you leave us?" asked Faïz, addressing the two doctors without being polite.

The two individuals immediately complied. Passing by Faïz, the woman stopped when she saw the blood stain, which was beginning to be more and more conspicuous under his T-shirt. After some hesitation, she decided to say a few words to him before leaving.

"Mr. Mattew, it will absolutely be necessary to let us examine you and heal you after this! We're waiting for you in the next room."

She crossed the door without waiting for a response from Faïz, who entered the dispensary, taking care to close the door behind him. Then he approached me gently.

"How are you?" he hastened to ask me, anxious.


"Are you mad at me?"

My eyes were staring at the floor. He wasn't aware of how much I suffered internally.

"Barthey is right. You can't come with us tomorrow," I managed to say in a barely audible voice.

I raised my head to meet his gaze. His face was filled with desperate pain.

"Don't go. I beg you."

Faïz opened his mouth and then closed it. He shook his head as if searching for words.

"I'm scared, Zoe. Not for me, because facing danger is part of my daily life. I'm afraid that you might be hurt, afraid of losing you. Afraid that my nightmares will become reality."

"I couldn't properly carry out my mission or even fight properly if I know you are there with me. Faïz, you would put me in more danger than anything else."

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