Chapters 9-3

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Lexy appeared flattered by the words of her friend. I wanted to fight back, but the two stopped me with a wave. I propped myself up in the back of the seat, crossing my arms and scowling.

"Lexy, excuse us for this WILD intervention, which didn't have to be. How would Zoe Reyes react if William got a girlfriend tomorrow?"

She looked at the ceiling of the car to think in an exaggerated way.

"This is a very relevant question, Miss Anderson. The strange thing about a young woman like my friend Zoe—who is completely unbalanced, I want to point out in passing—is that she would be very happy if William would build his life with the woman he loves."

"Surprising!" exclaimed Asarys, eyes wide. "I admit that this person is full of surprises."

"No! Okay, is your crap over soon?" I protested, straightening up.

"Lexy Terranova, what if Faïz Mattew introduced his new girlfriend, other than Zoe Reyes, to the world tomorrow? Would she be happy and delighted for that young man also?"

Lexy gave a forced laugh that she stopped when she looked at me. I raised an eyebrow and threatened her with a look.

"No! This donkey would be unhappy as hell. It's a fact."

"So the mystery is lifted. Thank you, Lexy, for shedding some more light on Zoe Reyes's feelings. This was Asarys Anderson from Eros."

"So, that's what you think of me?" I took offense at the end of their fake interview.

"Yes," replied my two friends.

I opened my mouth and closed it immediately. Lexy wasn't wrong, and Asarys had hit the nail on the head. I couldn't dispute the fact that something continued to attract me to William. Suddenly the doors of the vehicle opened and Ray appeared, looking stern.

"Let's go!" he declared, annoyed.

"Is everything okay?" worried Asarys.

Taking a seat next to her, Ray wrapped his arm around her shoulder and tilted his head back against the headrest.

"I'm just exhausted and I'm hungry. The day isn't over yet. Barthey, Jie, and Min have to give us the information on the continuation of our mission, and Malika is waiting for us for our self-defense course. We aren't going to bed any time soon."

"Lord," moaned Lexy. "I'm really not motivated to go to training tonight."

"Where are William and...Faïz?" I asked hesitantly.

"They had a little thing to settle with Issei. The team is sending them a second vehicle. They will join us at the inn. I'm going to pass by to take off this machine."

The dining room was livelier than the previous nights. Indeed, around the big table, a good part of the team was present. Only Barthey, Faïz, and William were missing. Ray, meanwhile, was placed a little further from us next to Dewei Jie, surely in full account of our day today.

"What are you doing?" Lexy asked, addressing Asarys.

Asarys sat in front of me, her eyes closed, her hands clasped over her plate.

"She's asking the universe for a piece of meat on her plate," I replied, picking my vegetables with my fork.

Our friend opened her eyes with a disappointed look when she noticed that her meal hadn't changed during her meditation.

"We ask and the universe gives. It works like that, right?"

"And to think that it's me that we are insulting with imbalance!" I grumbled in a low voice.

Ayame Min appeared at that time and sat next to me, greeting us politely with a small nod.

"Do you like your dinner?"

"It's perfect!" I hurried to answer.

"We have changed our menus a little to adapt to American cuisine."

"Really?" replied Asarys with a forced smile.

My kick under the table forced her to shut up.

"The meeting is in an hour," said Min. "We need to collect all the information about your interview with Issei. With your radio off, we were unable to collect it. We will also discuss the details of the next events to come."

I looked at the time on the big clock hanging on the wall of the room. The evening was already well advanced. Malika's class just before the meal had exhausted us.

"Zoe? You will need to drop by the clinic at the end of the meeting. Your injuries should be seen by a doctor in the morning and evening to avoid complications," Min told me.

"Yes, of course. But these are just bruises, nothing serious."

"We mustn't neglect anything."

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