Chapters 8-6

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The young man pushed open the door and ran out of the conference room.


Inspector Barthey right behind him tried to hold him back to keep him from going any further.

"You can't leave like this."

"Oh, yeah? And what do you plan to do? Lock me in a cage? You know as well as I do that it wouldn't be solid enough."

"Everything is under control. The place where Zoe and the others are is safe."

Barthey stepped ahead of Faïz to block his path, forcing him to stop.

"You don't know that! Their radio is off. Who knows what's going on in the temple?"

Faïz pushed Karl with his shoulder and continued on his way to the exit.

"This isn't YOUR mission!" roared the inspector, who continued to follow him. "And besides, William is with them."

The young man made a sarcastic sneer when hearing these words.

"This guy would be able to kill them all. To count on him would be like playing Russian roulette."

Outside the building, night was beginning to fall. The fog was unraveling, revealing a dark, starry sky. Faïz stopped for a moment and took a deep breath. The fresh air did him a lot of good. Unfortunately, the feeling of unease which had been bothering him for several hours immediately returned. Howard, the inn employee, came up to him.

"Can I help you, Mr. Mattew?"

"Yes," he hastened to answer before Barthey did it for him. "I need a vehicle."

"All right, I'll take care of it," declared the employee before rushing inside the building.

"It's ridiculous! You don't even know how to drive these things."

"I will learn!"

"What about your injuries? Faïz, the doctors were clear. You have to rest to heal. If your wounds open, you'll hemorrhage!"

Looking at the ground, the young man didn't bother to answer. The inspector realized that he had never seen him so weak before. He feared the worst. At that moment, the car arrived and stopped gently in front of them. Immediately, a driver got out to approach them.

"Do you need my services?"

The inspector seemedrelieved when Faïz dismissed the newcomer. Before rushing into the vehicle, theyoung man glanced at Barthey. The look he read there at that moment froze hisblood. It was the same he had seen when Karl had announced the death of Faïz'ssister in the middle of the Nevada desert.

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