Chapters 11-1

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The presence of Ray and Min by our side gave me no comfort. Quite the contrary. The urge to turn back at full speed crossed my mind. The air had cooled down due to the altitude we were at. The breeze made the steel grid of the charged energy sanctuary creak slightly. Numerous fruit trees surrounded this place and a sweet scent of lime tree floated in the air. It was here, outside the entrance, at the end of a green alley of perfectly manicured lawns, that Ray and Min stopped.

"We can't accompany you further," said Ayame, who was swallowing a sigh to hide her indescribable anguish.

"Hopefully, the costume ball will be fun," Asarys tried to joke to lighten the mood.

Lexy, Min, and I decided to move away from the couple to leave them alone for a few moments. I took the opportunity to whisper a request to the Minister of Armies in a low voice.

"If... Could you tell Faïz that he must continue to fight against evil, against The Maestro? Everything we have done so far shouldn't be for nothing."

Min nodded with a kind look. Talking wasn't helpful, and no one wanted tearful farewells.

"For breakfast tomorrow? Will it be as usual?"

Lexy and I looked at each other, unable to contain a little laugh since the situation was so special to ask such questions.

"Yes, tea and coffee please," replied Lexy with humor.

My two friends and I watched Ray and Min disappear at the end of the road. I put a reassuring hand on Asarys's shoulder, who grabbed it and squeezed as tight as she could.

"The Brotherhood will meet soon. We have to put on our headsets and disperse. We will meet as expected around the lake."

"Let's go!" exclaimed Lexy.

The three of us hugged to encourage each other, then took off our gravitational bracelets, making sure to put them inside our clothes. I arranged my big bun so that my hair held correctly under my hood, and we went into the cemetery, separating at the entrance.

"David?" I whispered. "Are you there?"

"I hear you."

"The girls?"

"Zoe, don't start! They're fine."

"Okay. Where are you?"

"At the temple of the Seventh Earth with Julio and Kayla. Don't worry, we're with you."

Around me stood a multitude of small chapels that filled this place, as mysterious as threatening. Before each of them were placed one or more offerings. Objects, fruit, or just flowers. These small stone buildings were perfectly maintained, a way of respecting the last home of the deceased. With my compass in hand, I left the aisle to return to the interior of a charming spruce garden, also full of chapels as far as the eye could see. The balmy smell caused by the blossoming trees gave the place a certain tranquility. Suddenly, shuffling steps alerted me to the imminent arrival of the first members of the Brotherhood. Bile suddenly rose in my throat.

"They're here," I whispered in panic, hiding behind one of the little chapels.

"Don't move!"

It felt like it was suddenly ridiculously hot under my heavy tunic. Petrified, I blocked my breath as if it might betray me. Frightened and on the lookout for the slightest noise, my gaze quickly swept the surroundings while my heart threatened to explode. It was then that I saw big shadows dancing on the ground, moving on the main path of the cemetery. The thick grass dampened each of their steps, making it difficult to analyze the actual distance of these individuals from me.

"Zoe, you have to join them and mix with them. Follow them!"

I looked away from the group and pressed my back and my head against the cold, damp stones of the building, trying to calm my pulse. Panic paralyzed me entirely.

"Listen only to my voice," David tried to reassure me, guessing my fear. "You aren't alone. Julio, Kayla, and I are with you, and we are in constant contact with Barthey's team, who will be there ASAP in case of problems."

A small sneer escaped me. I knew very well that the team outside these walls wouldn't intervene if the mission went wrong, as it was top secret. Eros didn't want to hear about a diplomatic incident, and we'd all known that from the start.

"The girls did it! They infiltrated the Brotherhood."

My friend's words made me regain my self-confidence. Lexy and Asarys were unharmed, thank goodness. It didn't take much to find that boost of energy and courage I lacked. I glanced behind the little chapel. The procession, made up of about fifteen tunics of a mixture of white and ochre colors, was moving away from me. I checked that my hood was correctly placed on my head and then hurried to catch up with the group.

"I'm there," I whispered to David.

My three friends celebrated in my ear, encouraged by this first small victory.

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