Chapters 6-2

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The bounds broke down without difficulty. I realized the gravity of things by observing the bruised and lifeless body of Faïz, whose shirt and the sand under him were stained with blood.

"Come on! Wake up," I begged, my voice full of sobs.

Sitting, I held his head against me.

"I didn't do this for nothing, wake up! NOW! You need to be healed."

The sound of my voice was only despair. My hand got lost in his hair. This gesture that I had repressed so many times seemed to me so natural at the time.

"Faïz," I whispered, letting my tears flow, "don't leave me. Victoria, then you... I won't survive this time."

My lips came to rest gently on his forehead, then I pressed my wet cheek against his. Suddenly, I felt his heavy hand land on my head.

"It would take more than that to overcome a Leviathan," he said with difficulty.

I straightened up, wiping my face with my hands, relieved and worried at the same time.

"I know, I'm the only one capable of beating you up."

A small laugh escaped from him, but the pain on his face quickly took over. His wounds must have made him suffer excruciatingly.

"I'll help you," I said, passing his arm over my neck. "Lean on me."

While Faïz got up painfully, a terrifying thought took hold of me.

"What is it?"

"Asarys and Ray! Their guides have also been changed."

"I know. Let's hope they got away, too. I don't want to imagine the worst. Our satellite phones are down. We need to get to the inn as soon as possible before being attacked again."

Day was beginning to break when we walked through the doors of the inn.

"Wait for me here," I said to Faïz, indicating one of the armchairs in the hall. "I will warn the staff to alert them of your condition."

"No! Let's go to HQ directly. I want to know about Ray and Asarys."

"You're losing blood. We need—"

"Zoe, I'm not asking for your opinion," he replied abruptly, leaving to head for the long corridor that led to the conference room.

Lexy jumped on me as soon as we crossed the threshold, followed by Asarys. Thank goodness they were alive. Their faces froze when they saw the alarming state of Faïz, as well as me.

"You have to be taken right away to the nearest hospital," cried Lexy.

"Impossible," replied Inspector Barthey, who approached us. "It would be too risky. Our cover has fallen. Now, there's a price on our heads by a group of people who don't want us to recover the stone."

"Someone must be brought in to treat them! There's no way we're leaving them like that."

Ray, swollen face, emerged from behind my friends next to William. We could easily read the relief on his face.

"Zoe, you're safe," said William with a heartbreaking sigh, taking my wrist to draw me to him.

At that moment, Faïz grabbed his T-shirt and pressed him violently against the wall, putting his elbow on his neck in order to hold him.

"You bastard! What are these damn guides that you found for us?"

I rushed, with the help of my friends, to the rescue of William, who refused to fight.

"You almost got us killed!" screamed Faïz, his features distorted by anger.

"Leave him alone! He had nothing to do with it," I cried in my turn, trying to repel Faïz who, despite the gravity of his injuries, was stronger than all of us gathered here.

"I know all that!" William defended himself, not wavering at the aggressiveness of the young man in front of him. "You know as well as I do that I would give until my last breath to save any of you."

He eased free from Faïz's elbow and pushed him away effortlessly.

"I don't want to hurt you, so stay away from me! I feel guilty to a point that you can't even imagine."

"Faïz, please stop," I begged. "You have to get healed."

I put my hands gently on his chest. The rhythm of his breathing slowed down immediately and the rage in his eyes dissipated when he finally laid his eyes on me.

"Faïz, come on, come with me!" the inspector ordered, taking his arm to force him to follow him.

"Yes, I'm coming."

He pressed his forehead briefly against mine. I closed my eyes and let him go with regret.

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