Chapters 3-4

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I didn't know what time it was. The three of us had spoken most of the evening. Kayla had told me about her life in Detroit, which was hard to combine with her busy schedule because of her job in the stock market. Unlike her two brothers, she refused to work for the government.

"I read your article in So Home News magazine. You did a really good job. You should continue on this path, " she encouraged me.

At that moment, shreds of memories invaded my mind. My suite at the Plaza, the gala evening...and Faïz.

"Zoe, are you okay?" William asked, worried.

Quickly, my mind returned to the present moment. I closed my eyes, pinching the bridge of my nose, then said,

"Yes, it's just that I'm tired. To return to the article, I managed to get all my next internships with them."

"That's great!" Kayla exclaimed, looking at William.

"I'm happy for you," he said, giving me a broad smile before standing up.

"Are you leaving us?" his sister asked.

"I have to take care of these documents," he said, waving the envelope I had given him when I arrived.

As soon as he was out of the room, Kayla moved closer to me, settling on another chair.

"So? How does it work?" she asked, excited, taking care to watch the entrance to the living room.

"Uh... What?"

"Do you see the future when you touch a person? Do you read minds? Do you revive the dead?"

Confused by her questions, I stared at Kayla with my eyes wide. She was waiting for an answer which, I feared, would not satisfy her.

"No. I can't do anything."

Kayla, shocked, shook her head as if to collect her thoughts.

"I don't understand. If that's true, why is your soul so coveted? To take it would be to steal the power of the divine source."

I lifted my shoulders before adding,

"I would like the universe to find someone else. Someone like you or your brothers. A person you can count on."

"You are the only one to have been shaped by the prayers of men and those of the egregore Gods. If you were to disappear, all of humanity would disappear with you. Darkness would then reign supreme."

"I have no power, no gift, and no faith. Men themselves sabotage their planet. They alone created weapons, hatred, and hell. I'm happy to be just a simple mortal, and I hope to be gone when the end of the world comes. If it's not The Maestro who destroys it, it'll be humans, anyway."

I looked away from Kayla and pushed myself into my chair as much as possible. My eyes fixed on the fire that consumed the wood in the transparent hearth, hanging in the void. The flames seemed to dance there to the rhythm of the crackling. This almost melodious sound could hypnotize any tormented soul.

"How did you manage to escape the curse?" I asked, tearing myself away from the contemplation of this spectacle. "The Fairies have fallen and are nicknamed Banshees, condemned to wander and to announce unhappiness here below."

"I'm one of the few survivors, I admit. Fortunately, there are still some others left on Earth, but not for much longer if we can't stop Athanasius."

Kayla lowered her head to stare at her hands. Her already fair complexion had just turned a little paler. Sorrow was read in each of her gestures now. I had just touched a sensitive point without wanting to. What a fool you are, Zoe. Making people unhappy is all you can do.

"I... I'm sorry," I stammered, nervously putting hair behind my ear. "Again, I was clumsy."

"No, your question is completely legitimate. I owe the salvation of my halo only to Callis. Having it with me and reciting old hymns many times a day kept the evil away. It was then loaned to other Sylphids, discreetly traded in holy places. Unfortunately, too few of us have been fortunate enough to be spared. We have run out of time and are still running out."

"For the Banshees, it's not your fault," I articulated, tearing out each word. "You did what you could. Even with the best of wills, we can't save what isn't intended to be."

My words surprised myself, as if my reason were screaming at this moment to abandon this feeling of anger that took root every day a little more in me. Suddenly William reappeared, accompanied by his brother. The latter hastened to hug his sister, visibly happy to find her.

"I'm glad you two have finally gotten to meet each other," said Julio playfully.

"I think we were made to get along," replied Kayla, giving me a knowing glance.

"Zoe, are you staying for the night?" asked Julio.

"No, I have to go back. Lily and Charles must be waiting for me."

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