Chapters 8-1

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We let William and Ray pass in front of us and cross the granite steps. The temple had no door. Our small group took a long, dimly lit corridor, invaded by maintained vegetation. The ceiling, with its numerous vaults, reinforced the enigmatic architecture. Traditional symbols like elephants, dragons, and even snakes were carved on the stone walls, giving a realistic relief, as if these animals came to life all around us. Only the noise of our steps and the crackling of our radio broke the silence. None of us dared to say a word. We were too busy admiring this splendid structure with exotic decorations.

After a few minutes, we arrived in the open air in a very beautiful garden lined with flowers, cherry trees, and spruces. My eyes took a few moments to get used to the light of day. The place displayed a sparkling collection of different shades contrasting with the grayish light of the island. In the background, a little further, was a lake with a multitude of wilted petals floating on the surface of the water. The silver roofs of several levels, adorned with Naga sculpture, surrounded this Garden of Eden. I was surprised to see a few rather ordinary people entering and leaving these neighborhoods, their hands filled with flowers or food. Although the temple was removed from the city and civilization, this place appeared to be frequented and appreciated by the Kobolds.

"Do you also feel this Olympian calm?" murmured Asarys.

"We could almost forget the world," replied Lexy, captivated by the beauty of the place.

"Barthey here, where are you?"

The inspector's distant voice drew us from the spell. Ray grabbed the radio.

"We are inside Idaina, more precisely in the garden. No sign of the shaman yet."

"Stay where you are! He won't be long. And above all, leave your radio on."

"Got it."

Ray placed the device at his waist and went to sit on one of the steps in the courtyard. As for William, he dropped his heavy backpack to the ground to take a few steps in this Paradise filled with rich color tones. I decided to join him.

"It's hard to believe that people cross all these obstacles every day just to come and pray here," I told William.

"No, not that difficult. I would do the same. Serenity is priceless."

He crouched down to touch a wild rose, bent by the weight of its petals. It was then that before my eyes, I saw the flower straighten up and become, in a few moments, the most beautiful in the garden.

"I will never get used to it. It's impossible," I declared, scrutinizing William's hands, which breathed new life into this flower.

He stood up and came to stand in front of me with a half-smile, his gaze calm. He gently took my hands to caress my palms with his thin fingers. Suddenly, small electric shocks ran through my knuckles. The energy that William gave me left me speechless.

"The bumblebee," he said, looking me straight in the eyes with an indecipherable expression.

"The...the what?" I stammered, forcing my mind to stay focused.

William tried at that moment to hide a small smile of satisfaction. Then he continued.

"The bumblebee shouldn't be able to fly according to the gravitational law of this world. Its body is too big and its wings far too small, and yet the miracle happens: it flies. It flies because no one told it it couldn't. From now on, you will think of this insect when something seems impossible to you."

"I'll think about it," I said, bewitched by his story.

"He's coming!" Asarys called.

It didn't take long for my eyes to find our man coming out of a cylindrical chapel next to the other pavilions. He greeted his followers by addressing a short word to each of them. When he was done with the last one, he turned in our direction.

"I imagined a monk or someone more...traditional," Lexy hastened to point out in a low voice.

I was just as surprised as she was. The man had a slender figure covered by his black shirt and dark pants.

"Welcome!" he pronounced with a slight smile, joining his hands to greet us. "I am Issei, your spiritual guide."

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