Chapters 9-6

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My words seemed to make him think. He sighed deeply before adding,

"We can't know what turn events will take. This mission has been a real mess from the start, and then—"

Suddenly he stopped talking and ran his hands through his hair, looking around the room. Then he walked away from me and went to stand next to the multimedia tablet, which was playing soft classical music.

"The Leviathans are finding it increasingly difficult to contain the violence that is spreading all over the world," he confided, "and the Sylphs are struggling against natural disasters. Crimes are on the rise. Hate among criminals is said to have further increased. Here, we are cut off from the rest of the world. We see nothing, we hear nothing, but that's not why The Maestro stopped bribing the most fragile souls. On the contrary."


"I can't protect everyone, I'm aware of that, but just let me try to save you, to save YOU."

"You still think you have to protect me, but the opposite is true. Don't forget who I am! I'm the one who has to save you."

"Unfortunately, I think it's too late for that, Zoe. Part of me was gone the day Victoria left us. I will never be cured. You will always have in front of you a damaged and angry man."

My heart broke when I heard these words, which disarmed me. The pain in my chest over his distress was difficult to bear. Faïz closed his eyes then opened them again.

"Do you miss not being able to listen to music here?"

The fact that he changed the subject so fast destabilized me.

"It's the first thing you do in the morning and the last thing you do in the evening," he added, staring at the tablet on the shelf.

"It's... Yes... It's possible," I stammered, trying to figure out what he was saying.

I felt the beating of my heart slow down. He gave me a smile which was enough to sweep away my fears, and added,

"Music, dance, that's the only thing that calms you down in difficult times. Am I wrong?"

"It's true," I confessed, surprised that he actually knew me so well.

Faïz grabbed the tablet and took a USB stick out of his pocket, which he connected directly to the device. At that moment, a shiver ran through my back and bristled the hair on my arms. I couldn't say a word while listening to the opening notes of the song that I loved so much. Kimberose's voice filled the whole room with this legendary title, "I'm sorry."

"How did you know?" I whispered, stunned.

"I often heard it from your room when—"

Faïz paused, as if he were reluctant to tell me more. At the insistence of my gaze, he continued.

"When your door was closed and you were sad. It's a beautiful title that has been one of my favorites for a while."

Touched by this confession, I couldn't help smiling. Then my gaze fell to the bottom of his shirt. I was forced to see that Faïz needed healing as soon as possible. Indeed, even if this intimate moment was a real breath of fresh air for me, it was important that I interrupt it for his own good.

"The doctors are waiting for you. You have to stop the hemorrhage."

I got up to meet him. Faïz let me reduce the distance that separated us without bothering to stop me. My arms entwined around his neck while my head rested gently against his chest. His heart was pounding. When I felt his arms close around me, nothing mattered at that moment. I would have liked to completely melt into him, to be no more than thousands of micro particles that would mix with his whole being. I breathed in his smell, which exhaled such a delicate and intoxicating aroma. The song was ending, signaling the end of this precious and fragile moment between us.

"Zoe, I'm not going to be able to finish my last year of studies in Los Angeles," whispered Faïz, continuing to hold me close.

This revelation shocked to me. I raised my head to better observe him, surely adopting, in spite of myself, a distraught look so that he felt compelled to justify himself.

"Trac-World needs me to take office a little earlier than expected. Oscar is very sick."

"I'm sorry for him."

I knew that Faïz very much appreciated this man whom he had always known. He was the last link he kept from his grandfather. His gaze suddenly changed. He now scrutinized me with icy eyes.

"With William, is there anything I wouldn't know about?"

His honest question unsettled me. I let go of him abruptly and pulled away, staring him straight in the eye.

"No!" I exclaimed in amazement. "Of course not. He's just a friend."

The image of William and me coming out of the temple hand in hand must have disturbed him more than I expected.

"And between you and Rachelle?" I replied, acid in my voice.

He narrowed his eyes, stung. He lowered his head and shook it slightly with a nervous chuckle.

"So, we're going there?"

"Yes, we are!"

"It was a mistake. There is nothing there, either."

Faïz walked over to me and placed a light kiss on my forehead before gently going down to my cheek. My head started to spin and I forced myself to breathe. He held me tightly. I felt his chest and each of his muscles against me. When his lips finally brushed against mine, my heartbeat muffled me. My hands ran through his hair while I passionately returned his tender, languid kiss. I never thought I would ever taste something so exquisite. I wished the moment was eternal, because the emotion that burst in that moment in my chest was the most delicious pain I had ever felt in my entire existence. Faïz ended up detaching his lips from mine and loosening his grip. My eyes didn't open immediately. It took me long seconds before I could reopen my eyes. Fortunately, he was still standing very close to me at that moment, because my legs no longer seemed to support me. He gave me a magnificent smile, stroking with his fingers the outline of my mouth. Suddenly, the happiness vanished and suffering took place on his face.

"Faïz, what's going on?" I panicked.

He looked down at his wound and then collapsed, unconscious, on the floor. I immediately regained my senses and rushed down the hall as quickly as possible, calling for help.

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