Chapters 3-1

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"Will you please do that?"

My mind returned to the present moment and I realized that I hadn't been following the conversation between my friends. Asarys looked at me without hiding her annoyance. Outside on campus, most of the students around us were preparing to leave.

"You want me to do what?"

The long sighs of Lexy and David by my side didn't fail to make me uncomfortable.

"I'm sorry," I confided in a low voice while looking towards the cafeteria.

The end of the afternoon marked the beginning of the weekend for some. As for me, I would first have to finish my shift, which started any minute.

"Zoe, you have been completely absent mentally this whole week. I know the recovery has been tough, but we're worried," Asarys admitted in a softer voice.

In fact, that first week at university since Victoria's death had brought me back to that day of horror every day. Guilt didn't let me go, even for a second. Within the buildings, I felt all the curious and inquisitive eyes hanging over my back. This situation only made my discomfort worse.

"So? What did you want me to do?"

"Tonight, when you see William at the manor, give him these documents. It's important."

My friend then handed me a large envelope and added, "that's what he needs for our visas."

"My documents are there, too," said Lexy.

I turned to David, who seemed embarrassed.

"For my part, it's better that I stay here."

"What do you mean?" I asked, alarmed.

"William and Ray think I would be more useful in L.A. as a guide. There, you won't have all the technological means to carry out the mission. So, it's me who will have this responsibility."

"I would have preferred that you come with us, but I know that you will be as essential here as in Eros."

David tried to hide his concern with a smile, then checked the time on his watch. He made me understand, with a look, that it was time for the both of us to go to work. Asarys put a hand on my shoulder.

"See you later. Try to call me tonight when you get back from the mansion."

I replied to my friend with a little nod. I knew that with Lexy, they would both be dying to ask me a thousand and one questions, but they were holding back because of the difficult ordeal that I was currently experiencing.

Working in the cafeteria was a real escape and gave me some peace of mind. The fast pace there left me little time to reflect on what my life had become. Convincing Lily and Charles was not an easy task. For them, it was an unnecessary overwork that I imposed on myself. In addition, they were very concerned for my safety. Each trip I took was subject to long discussions where I had to methodically advance each argument in order to convince them not to force me to go with a chaperone.

"Shit," David swore between his teeth.

Taking an order at that moment, I couldn't help but look at the space for a moment, the entrance to the refectory. It was then that I saw Rachelle walk out the door with her band of vipers.

"Leave it, I'll take care of it," said my friend, dropping the inventory work he was doing behind me.


He looked at me as if I had gone mad.

"But they're going to kill you! You aren't able to face them, Zoe. Don't mess around," insisted my friend in a low voice.

"I'll be fine, I assure you."

David lowered his head, clenching his fist in front of him. He hesitated to add something but changed his mind immediately. Then, he pointed his finger at me before adding,

"All right, but I'm right next door if things go wrong. Okay?"

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