Chapters 2-8

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Closing his eyes with all his might, Faïz was unable to make the slightest movement, paralyzed by the last image he had of Zoe. He knew that he had just destroyed the little humanity that remained in him. Everything dear to him had finally left him. Suddenly, a violent shock sounded in the loft, which forced Faïz to open his eyes. He then saw William staring at him with such rage in his eyes. His still clenched fist didn't seem to suffer from the violent blow he had just struck in the wall near the entrance.

"What did you say to her?" roared William, furious.

"The truth, nothing but the truth!"

"I forbid you to torture her more than she's already torturing herself."

William's threatening finger in Faïz's direction didn't seem to destabilize him. On the contrary, the two men confronted each other for a few seconds before Faïz finally advanced towards this guest whom he considered a little too intrusive.

"Go join her! She's yours!" barked the young man, glaring at William.

William couldn't bear anymore and gave his rival a violent right hook, which was enough to make Faïz fly to the other end of the room. He crashed into a piece of furniture which exploded into a thousand pieces. Standing up, the young man wiped his face with the back of his hand. A small trickle of blood came out of the corner of his mouth. He said, mad with rage,

"Be careful. I could shred you to pieces in less than a second, Will."

"Like Virgil? Or Ogres?"

"They got what they deserved!" Faïz shouted, taking a quick step towards William.

"No one can endorse what you did! And any person who agrees with you is nothing but a monster, too."

"Get out of my house!" ordered Faïz, his face a few inches from William's. "Or I'm afraid I'll start a war with the Sylphs."

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