Chapters 2-5

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David decided to pause and crossed his arms, looking worried. The rest was nothing good.

"Okay," said Asarys, "so we're going to Eros, we find Kushisake, and we ask her for the ruby? It's that simple?"

"Yes, Asarys is right. She must be waiting for us," Lexy said.

Faïz's slight sneer immediately made us turn to him.

"Actually, no!" he said in a neutral voice as he went to sit at the other end of the table. "Kushisake will be difficult to convince, because it turns out that she is dead. However, it's said that her supernatural being continues to haunt the island. This woman is evil and loves darkness. Like The Maestro, she is a vector of evil. If the souls of the Banshees are trapped in the ruby, it's because she feeds on them."

A vague concern invaded Faïz. His head turned to David.

"What should we do with this stone, then?"

"The ruby must be placed in the tomb where the remains of the traveler rest. It's his Achilles heel. Indeed, this stone is dangerous for him. It has the property of weakening the powers of Athanasius, who is always looking for a body in which to incarnate."

"Wait, can we just slow down?" exclaimed Asarys, raising her hands to heaven. "So, then...what is plan B?"

"There isn't one!" replied Faïz dryly. "The Callis is right, there is only one evil legend to defeat another, and Kushisake is the ally we need to carry out this war against Athanasius. She comes from another time, a little over a century or so ago, when the samurai were still dancing with their concubines. Kushi was a gem, capable of bringing any man to his knees. A samurai finally agreed to her and she fell madly in love with him. Only her jealous lover couldn't stand her vain beauty. In yet another violent argument between them, the man grabbed his sword and disfigured her, slitting her mouth on each side up to her ears."

The three of us were hanging onto Faïz's words when he paused. This story was terrible and none of us dared to break the silence for a few seconds. Suddenly, Victoria's words came to mind. So that's what she was trying to tell me. I would have liked to confide in my friends, but it was impossible. I couldn't share this strange meeting that occurred in my dream, and even less to Faïz.

"Her legend begins just after her death. Locals can come across her in the recesses of the island, which is, most of the time, plunged in thick fog. She walks around with a mask, placed on the bottom of her face, and asks a random person, far from the eyes, if she is pretty. Before the person responds, Kushi takes off her mask and the fate of the stranger depends on their response."

"Life or death?" Lexy asked, fearful of hearing the answer.

"Yes," replied Faïz. "Unfortunately, it's impossible to weaken her in her avenging quest. Her worshipers revere her and nourish this spirit by offering her the soul of Sylphids, who then becomes a Banshee. In a ruby, as red as the blood that she has shed so much, they have captured for decades these nymphs by traveling the globe. To be able to get rid of this demon, the authorities of Eros do their best to eradicate this brotherhood in the service of evil, but the guru is a powerful and evil man, protected by the members of his community and also by the occult forces. They invoke Kushisake in dark ceremonies."

I understood better the whole complexity of the problem. So many questions came to my mind and I didn't know where to start.

"Well! Maybe the mission isn't that complicated," said Lexy, shrugging. "These crazies necessarily have a flaw."

Her words collided with a wall of silence. We were all perplexed.

"With a good organization," added Lexy, "we can manage to convince Kushisake to give us the stone. We liberate the Banshees and the planet is safe and sound."

"We?" asked Faïz, surprised, for the first time looking at each of us.

"Yes," David hesitated. "I think we all have a role to play and it would be too risky to send just one or two people. We can all help. Right?"

My friend questioned our little group with a look to find support. Then Faïz couldn't help emitting a cheeky sneer.

"I think you've done enough already! Keep your help. I don't want it," he said while glaring at me.

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