Chapters 3-2

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Rachelle presented herself as usual with a haughty air. Her face, as pretty as usual, exasperated me terribly. She seemed to gloat on the inside to see me being just the shadow of myself. Her purple velvet headband almost made me roll my eyes.

"Almond milk with a touch of chocolate," ordered this harpy with a contemptuous look.

The other mean girls placed their orders in an equally unpleasant tone. While I hastened to prepare their drinks for them, so that they could leave as quickly as possible, the small redhead positioned next to Rachelle addressed her loudly.

"So? You promised to tell us about your night with Faïz!"

Hearing these words, it wasn't without difficulty that I managed to catch the goblet which almost escaped from my hands. Small snickers fired in all directions before my clumsiness. This group of stupid bohemians seemed satisfied with the bomb that their friend had just thrown. At that moment, I felt the ground giving way under my feet and a burn gradually invaded every artery in my body. It was out of the question that I let appear even a hint of fragility listening to this reflection. It was neither the place, and even less the time, to put on a show with these vixens. If she and Faïz had reunited and had decided to continue their romance, it would surely not be me who would come to make a splash. Rachelle could keep him. It didn't matter to me to know the nature of their relationship.

"Next!" I shouted when their order was served.

Rachelle paused before taking her drink. She addressed me with a sinister smile.

"You know, Zoe, that it would never have worked between you two. It must have taken a toll on his family for Faïz to lose the people who were dear to him."

"We're going to run out of cups for room service," David said quickly, holding me by the shoulders.

His intrusion came at the right time because the inner rage that animated me threatened to explode. Rachelle could talk about Faïz as long as she liked, but not Victoria. I refused to let her use her as an excuse to reach me. Without a word, I sped into the storeroom with a quick step, throwing my apron to the ground. Inside the cramped room, I leaned my head against cartons of milk on a shelf and let an ocean of tears flow in silence.

I felt like I'd left the Seventh Earth mansion a long time ago, like being there was taking me to another time. The dark night with an almost nonexistent moon plunged the place into an unreal and heavy setting. I looked at the top of the building from the ground and hesitated for a moment to walk up to it. Suddenly my phone rang. It was again a call from Asarys. I knew she was worried about me. Knowing David, my hookup with Rachelle had already been reported to her. I hung up and put the device in my jacket without bothering to answer my friend, then I finally decided to go through the clearing to enter the house.

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