Chapters 3-3

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"I missed you," said William sincerely, taking me in his arms.

I regretted our last chat at the bottom of Faïz's loft. After almost hysterically refusing to take me back to Elora, William tried to hold me back to convince me to get into his car. It was with spite that he finally let me go. The long bus ride helped calm me down.

"Are you okay?" he asked me softly, his face buried in my hair.

I shook my head from side to side for the only answer. His embrace tightened as if he had the power to heal me. Even if it wasn't possible, a peace still invaded me, a feeling that I thought had disappeared. In my turn, I took William in my arms, allowing my body to relax in order to let go for a few moments.

"Don't stay in the entrance."

It was then that I opened my jacket to give him the envelope containing the documents that Lexy and Asarys had entrusted to me. William quickly consulted them while walking. Flashes of Victoria's birthday party came back to me as we neared the entrance to the living room. The vertigo took me and a growing ball suddenly appeared in the hollow of my belly. As we entered the door, I saw a young woman sitting in one of the armchairs in the room. She seemed to be waiting for us.

"Zoe, meet my sister, Kayla. She just came from Detroit."

"Pleased to meet you," I stammered, surprised by this unexpected meeting while advancing towards her.

"Fascinating," murmured Kayla, staring at me intently. "A non-egregore on Earth, a soul created by the divine source itself. Pleased to meet you, Goddess."

"No," I said immediately, embarrassed, waving my hands in front of me. "Simply Zoe. You... Are you a Sylph, too?"

"A Sylphid, but I don't like the name. Children's stories have a lot to do with it."

Kayla smirked, which lit up her face with captivating beauty. She towered over me by a good ten centimeters. Her long hair, Venetian blonde and styled in a half-ponytail, exposed her face, bringing out her aquiline nose. Her almond-shaped blue eyes reminded me of lynx eyes, outlined with a perfect line of eyeliner. She was dressed in a tight black vinyl top that revealed her wasp waist. Her stature and refined gestures alone occupied the space of this room. I was surprised to find that she continued to stare at me, as if captivated by what I was. However, she had no reason to envy me. Quite the contrary. Suddenly, her gaze went back and forth between William and me.

"I understand better why my brother annoys me about your eyes, I admit I have never seen this color before."

"Kayla!" William cut her off, clapping his hands in order to bring his sister back to her senses. "We have to settle urgent things this evening."

"Please, it's not every day that we meet the woman blessed by the first songs of men, the most heavenly and precious creation of our Mother Goddess, and moreover, endowed with an exceptional capacity."

"Zoe is a mortal in this life and you will end up making her more uncomfortable than anything else if you keep talking to her like that."

"William is right, I am absolutely nothing exceptional. In my eyes, you are much more so than me."

"Am I to understand that my brother has already shown you one of these few little tricks?"

William cleared his throat to try to close this topic of conversation, then he leaned towards me.

"You must be hungry. Do you want to eat here or have dinner outside?" he asked.

"To tell you the truth, neither. I had a good snack during work, and I don't intend to linger here."

"Ah, I see," replied William, disappointed.

He looked down and the expression on his face touched me more than I wanted.

"On the other hand, I wouldn't say no to a coffee. And why not stay for a while, so that I can get to know your sister a little more?" I caught myself saying.

The relief and joy I saw at that moment in his eyes was enough to rub off on me. I gave him a sincere smile in return. The first in ages. As for Kayla, she seemed to thank me with a knowing glance.

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