Chapters 15-1

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The silence inside the vehicle didn't bother me. Part of me needed it. Absorbed in my thoughts, I looked through the glass at the landscape below me. The day that I had been waiting for and dreaded for weeks had arrived. We were finally going to get our hands on the ruby without really having a precise idea of the degree of danger of this last mission. Faïz's icy voice suddenly brought me back to reality.

"You're very calm. What are you thinking about?"

"I was wondering if William had arrived," I replied, taken aback, without bothering to turn to him.

I felt the weight of Faïz's gaze behind my back.

"I hope he's okay," I added in a small voice, uncomfortable.

"There's no reason!"

I immediately turned my head towards him, shocked by the harsh tone with which he had just answered me. The cold, serious man next to me had nothing to do with the guy from the day before. How could he have changed so much in just one night? Saddened by this brutal reversal of the situation, I looked away, preferring to concentrate on the sequence of events. I regretted at that moment the absence of radio and music in the car. It might have allowed me to find the air more breathable in this cramped cabin.

When I got out of the vehicle, Faïz was holding my door. His dark pupils stared at me with a shadow of regret. He grabbed my hand before I walked away to bring me back and sighed deeply.

"I spent the best hours of my life with you last night. I forbid you to doubt it for a single moment!" he insisted. "I'm just in a rush to get back to L.A. and end all of this."

The sincerity I saw at that moment on his face relieved me. So he didn't regret those moments with me. The lump in my throat eased and I let out a smile. His irises then seemed to revive, and he kissed me with a strange frustration that I couldn't explain. His arms tightened around me, which was enough for me to forgive him for his attitude the past few hours.

"So everything is okay between us?"

My head resting against his chest prevented me from seeing the expression on his face.

"Everything is fine. Promise me to take care of yourself."

"I promise. Everything will be fine," I said, absorbing the dizzying aroma emanating from his skin.

I crossed the entrance to the conference room alone. Faïz had left to consult with Min and Ray in order to receive the last instructions. Asarys and Lexy were standing near a table where dozens of crossbows and other equipment were placed.

"Hello, girls."

"Hey, Zoe!" cried Asarys, taking me in her arms, happy to see me again.

Lexy did the same with a burst of mischief in her eyes. She immediately asked me,


"Hold on!" intervened Asarys. "Let her get comfortable before jumping on her."

She immediately swept her own remark with a wave of her hand and added,

"I'm kidding! We want to know everything, N-O-W."

I shook my head, unable to shake away that smile.

"Don't you want to tell me about your evening first?" I tried to negotiate to save time.

Asarys crossed her arms and ogled me up and down.

"Okay!" exclaimed Lexy. "Shower, sleep, and breakfast. Your turn."

"And...what did you dream of?"

"Oh, no!" cried Asarys, pulling me by the arm to guide me to a corner of the room, far from Min and Dewei who were listening to us discreetly.

My two friends sat at a table in front of me, while I stood in front of them, ready for questioning.

"Okay, let's start slowly. How was the place where he took you?" asked Lexy.

My eyes fixed on the ground, as if to remember better each moment spent with Faïz.

"Magical," I whispered, seeing myself on the swing above the void.

"What about your night?" continued Asarys.

Flashes came back to my memory, like the feeling of his breath on my skin or the images of his face, with its perfect structure a few millimeters from mine.


Asarys, desperate, raised her hands to the sky. "I'm giving up!"

I came back to myself and looked at my two friends, who seemed disappointed by this shallow exchange.

"The scenery was exceptional. Faïz was perfect. He has such infinite tenderness. To tell you the truth, we haven't slept much. I'm completely crazy about him."

The girls were smiling, satisfied with my words. They remained silent for a little while, which wasn't like them. Barthey's voice finally broke our quiet conversation. He invited us to join him near the table where the weapons were placed. Three soldiers began to equip us with a large waistcoat which they believed could withstand long-range attacks. Pockets at the back of it allowed us to store our arrows ammunition to reload our crossbows. We replaced our shoes with rangers' boots and the team gave us earbuds to keep in touch with central. Finally, two knives were placed above our ankles for safety.

"Isn't that a little too much?" I asked the man who took care of setting up my equipment.

He looked at me as if I didn't realize the danger that awaited us. He shook his head, continuing to check the final adjustments to my outfit. The girls didn't say a single word. With closed faces, they concentrated on the latest directives given by the armed forces group. At that moment, the anxiety seized me in the guts. I was so angry about having embarked on this adventure.

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