Chapters 13-3

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I hurriedly walked to join Faïz outside the building when suddenly I heard William's voice calling me from afar. I stopped and turned around. His slender figure advanced to join me. When he stood in front of me with an embarrassed pout, I noticed that his irises, usually lagoon blue, had tinted to gray, making his look cooler and more melancholy than usual.

"Are you going somewhere?" he asked, although he already knew the answer.

"Yes... Uh... Faïz... He's waiting for me," I replied, embarrassed and looking away from his eyes.

William put his hands in his pockets with a disapproving look on his face.

"I will never understand why you are crazy about that man. I still think he doesn't deserve you."

"Will, please," I begged in a low voice, closing my eyes. "I don't need to hear that now, just before I go. You can't be jealous of him. Heart and reason are two completely different things that like to feed on each other's conflicting feelings."

"I'm not jealous!"

At that moment I planted my gaze in his, raising an eyebrow, unconvinced by his words.

"Okay. There is no doubt that a part of me is," he corrected. "But the other part is just afraid that he'll hurt you. Come on Zoe, you know more than anyone that this man is completely unstable!"

I stopped him by raising a hand in front of me, refusing to hear more.

"Maybe you are right, Will, and it's likely that he's completely mad, but who would not be, in his place? He's been conditioned since he was young to be a war machine in the service of the government, and on top of that, he must take over the reins of an immense company left by his grandfather, which he never asked to govern! So don't ask someone who hasn't had any childhood or youth like others to be normal."

William stared at me, discouraged. He ran his hands through his hair, causing his blond locks to fall into his face. Then he shook his head, searching for his words.

"You can find all the excuses you want for him, but the truth is, he won't have one the day he breaks your heart. You don't know him like I know him, Zoe. This guy has the darkest heart in existence. The decision is yours, and whatever it is, I will always be there for you. I just came to say goodbye. I'm leaving now."

"What? What do you mean? Where are you going?"

"I have to go back to Los Angeles. A lot is going on there right now. The Sylphs and the other Leviathans need me. We need to get some order back before you return to L.A."

Stunned by the news, I closed my eyes, pinching my lips to try to contain the puff of anxiety that threatened to suffocate me.

"Please, be careful," I said with a trembling voice.

William gave me a protective look before turning to leave. I stood there, in the middle of the hall, with a painful feeling that compressed my chest.

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