Chapters 9-7

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The hundreds of candles hanging in the air below the moat were enough to light the place. The perfect symmetry of the room didn't escape Faïz, who examined each sculpture on the walls around him. The young man, accompanied by William, had just let Ray and the three young women leave for the inn.

"I am happy to meet you."

The echo of a male voice forced him to turn around. Issei was standing near the entrance. William glanced at Faïz. The expression on his face was unreadable.

"Do nothing that could"

William didn't have time to finish his sentence. Faïz began to walk around the room, paying no attention to the shaman, who hadn't yet moved from the entrance.

"It's a shame you couldn't be here today," Issei continued, on guard. "It's been a very informative day for everyone."

A smile appeared at the corner of Faïz's lips, who meticulously continued his observation with a rather slow gait.

"Yes, I was told about it, but not in detail."

"Would you like to learn, too?" asked Issei, following him with his eyes.

"No! I've already learned. It was necessary, let's say."

Issei nodded, staring at the young man with his little brown eyes before adding,

"You are different from other men. I feel it."

Faïz stopped dead in front of a detail that caught his attention. His hand then went to a sculpture different from the others. When the lever was lifted, the wall opened with a thud and a row of swords appeared.

"Be careful! Those swords are invaluable treasures."

Issei rushed towards the young man, but before he had time to take two steps, a sword, launched with great precision, brushed against his elongated lobe. The shaman immediately put his hand to his bloody ear.

"Faïz! Shit, stop!" cried William, standing before the shaman.

"Wh...why? Who are you?" articulated Issei, frightened.

"It's less funny when people do it to you!" Faïz cried.

At that moment, the shaman understood that the young man was referring to the woman with the green eyes.

"I didn't hurt her! The sword didn't even touch her."

"Well, thank God! Otherwise the greatest danger you would face right now would be me. Now, let's have a little talk about the Twilight Brotherhood."

"I don't know this community. They...they never come here."

Faïz looked at William, who was still standing between them.

"We will have to stay here a little longer than expected," the young man said, his eyes burning with anger.

William sighed. He knew that one way or another, Faïz would have the last word.

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