Chapter 8 Emerald Green

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With that, I scramble to my feet and leave my room. Wanting to see what the rest of the floor and Loki look like. The moment I step out into the lounge/kitchen, I find myself looking around and Tony really did make this floor magnificent. The lounge is warm and comforting, big sofa's with a flat screen tv and everything is shining. This place is designer. I can tell Tony spent a small fortune but it looks amazing. There is gigantic wall like window that shows a good view of New York and I can see the other doors to the library, the gym and the swimming pool. There is also a set of green doors which I know are Loki's but where is he?

I look towards the kitchen which again is amazing and beautiful. The tops are shiny marble and I can see the equipment Tony installed so that Jarvis could help me make dinner. But I'm barely focused on that as I look at the man plating up breakfast for two and I feel my jaw drop as I stare at him.


He is beyond anything I could imagine and god he is handsome, gorgeous. He has long black hair that goes down to his shoulders with fair skin and these cheek bones that define his face. But it's his eyes that have me captured. They are emerald green like mine but they are memorizing and seem to be glowing. It takes a lot for me to stop looking at them as I look at the rest of him, admiring him.

His outfit is more complicated and you can tell it's Asgardian. He's wearing this black top with bits of green fabric, black leather and golden plates embedded into it. All the materials I had felt before. His trousers are black and the same material as his top and he is wearing a jacket that finishes the outfit. It's black Asgardian leather with green and gold parts on it. But the sleeves are black with green fabric on the top and show off his muscles.

I find myself just staring at him, memorized by his appearance and he really is a god. He is so handsome. Finally I know what Loki looks like and I'm not disappointed in the slightest. I hoped he would be handsome and he is. I fell in love with him due to his personality and now finally I can see him and he is perfect. I can't wait to tell him that I have my sight back and it's all thanks to him. The god I have been living with.

He finishes plating up breakfast which I notice is a full English and has poured orange juice for us both but hasn't noticed me yet. I force myself to move closer to him, unable to stop looking at him and then he finally notices I am here and smiles at me. Not able to tell from where I am standing that I can see.

"Katrina how did you sleep?" He asks me, using his green magic to clean up.

I force myself to speak as I move closer to him, "I slept brilliantly and honestly, a part of me thinks I am still dreaming."

He is about to say something but stops himself as he looks at me properly. He really looks at me and I can tell he has noticed that my eyes are no longer white as he looks shocked. Just as shocked as I was when I realised I wasn't blind anymore. He abandons the breakfast table and comes over to me until he is right in front of me.

Then Loki speaks, looking at me hopeful, "Can you..."

I nod, a smile dancing on my lips, "I can see you Loki. I'm not blind anymore."

He stares at me shocked before smiling brightly, "That's brilliant!!"

We both smile before he pulls me into a hug and I hug him back. He spins me around, making us both laugh and smile so brightly. I haven't been this happy in so long, not really and it's all thanks to Loki that I am. I need to tell him.

He puts me down and pulls away to look at my eyes, "Emerald green, just like mine."

I smile, "But yours are brighter."

He chuckles at that before he asks, "How the hell did you get your sight back? Believe me I am happy you can see but how? I thought you said it could never come back."

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