Chapter 71 Death and Breakfast

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In moments Loki rolls me over so I'm pinned underneath him and we are about to make love again when there is a knock at our bedroom door. We both whine in disappointment, reluctantly pulling apart and yet we are both smiling. Giggling a little at getting caught but wishing we could go on.

"One minute!" Loki calls out before kissing me on the lips, "Why did we have to get interrupted?"

I laugh, "I know but it's probably important. Go and answer it but remember we are still naked from last night so don't forget to put your clothes on first." I tease.

He chuckles, "Don't worry my angel, the only one who gets to see me naked is you but you should change too. I don't want to give you another spanking for showing off your gorgeous body to a stranger or someone we know."

"Just go." I say, playfully hitting him on the shoulder.

We laugh before he kisses me again and gets out of bed. He uses his magic to change into his pants, trousers, and long green tunic robe before I notice I'm glowing green too. In seconds I'm in a green nightgown with green lace matching bra and panties. It makes me roll my eyes and laugh as Loki goes over to the door, winking and smiling at me. God, he is so full of life and so carefree. It's nice to see considering how sad he has been, especially on the first day I saw him. He was in so much pain and now he is happy. We are both happy and yet I wonder who knocked on the door. I hope it's nothing to do with Kai or at least the news he is finally dead.

I sit up in bed, laying back against the headboard as he reaches the door and opens it. A servant is standing there, a smile on his face and he is holding a letter by the look of it from Odin. They exchange words before Loki takes it and shuts the door. He opens it quickly and I see a smile spread across his face as he reads it. I wonder what is going on, is it about Kai? Or maybe the coronation? We are becoming King and Queen today.

"What is it?" I ask him, desperate to know what is going on.

He looks at me and smiles, coming over to me, "Guess who was executed this morning?" He says with a twinkle in his eye, "I will give you a clue. He's an absolute dick as Tony would say and has a thing for wings."

My eyes widen and I smile brightly, "Kai's dead?"

"Dead as a doornail." He sits back next to me on the bed, "Father wanted to inform us straight away. He was executed by guillotine and then his body and head were burned so he can't be resurrected, just for good measure." He smiles at me, "He's dead."

I shake my head, amazed but smiling, "I can't believe it. Can I?"

He shrugs, holding out the letter, "Go for it. It's just father explaining how he died in a lot of graphic detail. It seems father did everything possible to make sure he stayed dead."

This makes me laugh as I take the letter and quickly skim read it. Loki wasn't joking about the 'graphic' detail. Odin has explained how they made sure his head was cut off, his body chopped into pieces and then all of it burned to dust. He is definitely dead and there is no way he could resurrect even if he tried. But it does sound like Odin enjoyed killing him. And yet saying that it was the last time he could execute someone. Or he just wanted the bastard to stay dead too.

I finish reading and look at Loki, "Make sure he stayed dead? More like he couldn't resist making sure his last execution was a good one. They chopped him up and burned him! It's brilliant!!" I say, sounding so happy about it.

Loki chuckles, "Soo true but I think he wanted him dead as much as I did." He smiles at me, "He's gone Katrina. He's dead and you're safe."

I feel a weight lift off my shoulders as I sign in relief, "Oh thank god. The bastard is dead."

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