Chapter 24 Marlowe

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Katrina's POV

It's been a few months since I came to Asgard and its been the happiest I have been in an awfully long time. Me and Loki have practically been inseparable, just like when we first were together when we started courting on Earth. He has shown me all around Asgard, all of his favourite spots like his bed and the library not to mention the gardens. But he has also been taking me on surprise dates, practically worshipping me and the ground that I walk on. We are both hopelessly in love and I'm loving it. I can tell Loki missed me and is so happy I came to be with him on Asgard. The idea I did that for him shocks him but makes him love me even more. I guess he was surprised that I would do that for him but we love each other and nothing was going to change that.

We have been so happy and Asgard has been great. Often when Loki is training with his brother, I am spending time with Sif who has become my closest friend or I'm in the library studying magic. I've been studying the magic books that Loki learned from so I can use my magic more and learn to defend myself. Considering I had been kidnapped twice, raped and attacked more than that. I don't want to rely on Loki to save me, I want to be able to defend myself so we can protect each other. Not just him protecting me.

Loki doesn't mind saving me, protecting me but he is pleased I am learning magic. I think he is worried that one day he won't be able to save me and I will die... and it will be his fault. But I know he would always save me, he is always there for me but I must learn to fight back. He has taught me a lot already but the more I can learn, the better. So hopefully one day when Loki can't be there, for any reason, I can save myself. It just means I have been practicing more magic and I have found the longer I have spent on Asgard, the stronger I've got. It's strange but I figure since I am in magical realm, it means I am becoming stronger and Loki thinks the same. Hopefully one day, I will be strong enough to protect myself and maybe save Loki for a change.

However, the past few days I have noticed Odin and Frigga watching me more intently and I have noticed there looks. I think something is going on and Loki thinks the same. But we have both tried not to think about it as we just want to enjoy being together and yet, we both are worried. His family are notorious for keeping secrets and I guess he is worried there is another one, about to shatter him yet again.

Loki has gone training today with his brother and I was going to practice more magic when I got a message or should I say a surprise invitation. Frigga has asked me to meet her in the gardens and it will be my first time alone with her since she helped me surprise Loki when I first arrived. She was so nice to me and I really like her. But I am a bit nervous considering she wants to have a private meeting with me, just us two. And I have no idea what about. It sounds like something important so I am being quick, trying to get to the garden quickly so I don't keep her waiting.

I reach the gardens and I go deeper, past the fountain and deeper than I have ever been to before. I then see her waiting for me on a bench and I smile as I reach her. She smiles at me as I join her, sitting beside her.

"Sorry if I kept you waiting." I tell her.

She shakes her head, "I only just got here myself. It's beautiful out here... how are you settling in Asgard?"

I smile, "I really love it here. It's beyond anything I could imagine and it feels like home. Not to mention you and your family have been so nice to me, so welcoming. I will always be grateful for you both letting me stay and court your son."

She smiles at me, "I'm just pleased you are both happy and that you are in my sons life. You have been a positive influence on each other."

"Frigga, why did you invite me here? I love spending time with you and your family, I really do but I'm just simply curious... and... it's just..."

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