Chapter 58 Full Circle

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The next few days went by painfully slowly as I adjusted to being back home and having to keep up with the same charade. Every second I am with Kai, going around the palace and attending the meeting with him. He is still looking for his trinket and is getting close to finding it. It worries me as when he does we will have to leave and I don't want to go. Not when I haven't even started my plan yet. The only good thing is that he believes I am hopelessly in love with him so he trusts me a bit more and gives me a bit of space. And yet I am not any closer to getting into Frigga's chambers so I can tell her the truth and save our daughter. I'm running out of time and it scares me.

As for Loki, like I hoped he hasn't given up on me and is still fighting to get me back. He hasn't approached me since I gave him back the rings which I rather miss on my fingers but has instead been watching me from afar. Like some sort of guardian angel, watching me intently looking for any sign of how he is controlling me. But he is hurting every time I kiss Kai and I hate that I am doing this to him. I hate lying and keeping this act up. But I have to protect our daughter and it's the only way. I just hope we can be together after this and that he can forgive me. I was so rude to him...

It's early in the morning and Kai and I are in the gardens, going for a morning stroll. He wanted to have a look around as he has an idea where the trinket could be and wants me with him to distract any pass goes. I don't want to help him as I need more time but I can't exactly refuse either. So now we are in the depths of the gardens, by an old fountain and I can tell he wants to look around on his own. Not like I would mind. I could deal with a break from being around him 24/7 considering we have to share the same bed and everything. It makes me cringe thinking about it.

Kai looks around before looking at me, "I'm going to look for my trinket. Stay here and distract anyone who comes over. I doubt anyone would be around this early but it's best to be careful."

I look at him, "Of course but why would the trinket be out here?"

"It's the place that no one would look." He tells me, "You sure you will be ok here?"

I smile, "I will be ok."

Then he leans closer and I force myself to do the same and kiss him. He kisses me back and god there is no spark whatsoever. It's sloppy and gross and so bad. Not to mention it feels so wrong to kiss another man. I should be kissing Loki but I force myself through it like I always do. He seems to enjoy it as he pulls away, smiling like a cherisher cat. I force a smile, pretending to be hopelessly devoted and not rub away the taste of him on my lips in front of him. It might give me a way just a bit.

He smiles, "Mmm you're a brilliant kisser."

"So are you." I lie, trying to be nice.

I kiss him on the cheek again before he leaves my side and goes deeper into the gardens. He disappears out of sight and I am relieved I can get some air and some much-needed space from him. So clingy and god he is such a bad kisser. Gross. I end up rubbing my lips before staring into the water of the fountain, finding it peaceful and calming. How am I going to get close to Frigga without Kai getting suspicious? I really don't know and I am running out of time. We could be going soon and I will lose my only chance to save Hope and me. I just don't know how to do it.

But before I can even think of any ideas, I sense a presence close by and it makes me smile as I recognise it. Loki is spying on me again but he isn't staying far away or watching from a distance. Instead, I feel his presence moving closer toward me and he appears beside me, following my gaze to the fountain. I am surprised he has come to join me considering how I was before... but I am pleased he is here. I have missed him so much.

"Why did you wear the rings if you couldn't remember?" He asks, surprising me.

I take a breath, relieved to hear his voice, "They were all I had and for some reason, I could not bring myself to take them off... so I kept them. Kai didn't understand it either."

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