Chapter 54 Leverage

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It's another day in the cell and we are sat on our bed, Hope sitting on my lap as I read her one of the books Kai gave us. She loves a good story and has really grown up. Now 6 years old, her hair goes down to her chest and she is so beautiful. Her skin pink and her eyes emerald green. So much like Loki with his mischievous smile and strong will and magic. But like me for her beauty and spirit.

It makes me smile as I hold her, pleased she is at least safe for now but this isn't our home. Our home is in Asgard with Loki and yet he has no idea I am alive or she exists. How I hate he has missed these precious years with her. But maybe it won't be long and then I will see him again, maybe.

She looks at me, "Mum, can you tell me more about my dad?"

I smile as I close my book, "Of course sweetie. What do you want to know about him?"

She turns in my lap to face me, beaming, "What was he like? When he was my age? Did he used to play with Uncle Thor?"

"He used to play and do pranks and tricks. Very funny pranks." I say, making her giggle, "They didn't always get along but they are brothers and always look out for each other."

She smiles, "And I have a sister. Will she look out for me?"

I nod, moving her hair behind her ear, "She will. She and your father like me, will protect you and love you for the rest of your life. At least they will when they realise I am alive and that she has a sibling and he has a daughter. But they will."

"Will we ever escape this place?" She asks me, sounding scared, "I want to see him."

I smile, holding her tightly, "So do I. I miss him a lot and I love him very much. But have faith Hope, we will escape this place one day and be reunited with him. Finally, be a family and be free as long as we are careful."

She nods, "Mum why is Kai keeping us here?"

"Because he wants your wings sweetie but they won't come out until you are older, much older." I tell her, "So until then, he won't hurt us, just keep us here. We are safe until they come out or unless he finds out I haven't been forthcoming."

She smiles at me, "That's why it's a secret."

I smile, "Our secret."

I'm about to ask her if she wants to know more about her father when I hear the door unlock and the door to our cell room has opened. Kai comes in, wearing fancy clothing and is holding a dress that looks Asgardian. I gesture to Hope who gets off my lap as I get to my feet, keeping her behind me as I move over to him. I wonder what he is up to but to find out, I must keep up the act.

At the moment he thinks I consider him a 'friend' and that I have hidden 'feeling' for him. Feeling of hate and anger yeah but he actually believes I like him romantically. It's gross but it keeps me and my daughter safe so it's worth the ruse.

He smiles at me, "How are you and Hope?"

I smile at him, pretending to admire his outfit, "We are both well, thank you and you look quite dashing Kai. You going somewhere?"

He smirks, "I am actually. I am going to Asgard and you my dear, are coming with me."

My eyes widen and I feel a surge of shock and hope hit me. Asgard, I am going to Asgard with him? Back to my home? The place I have wanted to be for so long and I could finally see Loki again and free us both from this lunatic. Be free and safe again and be with the man I love. It gives me hope and yet also dread. He put a lot of effort into faking my death and keeping me prisoner. So why bring me home and reveal I am alive? He must have something up his sleeve as there is no way he is letting me or Hope go that easily.

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