Chapter 60 Revelation

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It doesn't take long before we reach her chambers and there is no sign of Kai following yet. He must still be in the arena. But I push the bastard out of my mind as we go over to the doors and I notice they are open a jar and I can hear voices. His voice... his heavenly voice.

We slip inside and I see Frigga on the sofa by a table, with glasses of wine poured along with a few snacks. But I'm focused on the man pacing beside her, Loki and I can't believe he is here. He is actually here which means I can tell him too. I can finally tell him as long as Kai doesn't suspect Loki is in here with me, I could tell him everything and kiss him. Be with him. But I have hurt him and it makes me frown considering he does look depressed and agitated. Clearly worried about me.

Neither of them have noticed us as Frigga is trying to calm Loki who is pacing while ranting, sounding so worried and hurt.

"What if this doesn't work mother? I can't lose her to that tyrant not when I have spent years trying to find her." He signs in frustration, "I don't know how to help her. She isn't herself and he must have cursed her or spelled her or something. He is controlling her somehow and every time I talk to her... I wish she would talk to me."

"Oh Loki."

Frigga smiles at him reassuringly, "We will help her son but you won't be able to if you drive yourself mad. So relax, have a drink, she could be here any... minute."

She notices us and Loki follows her gaze as he picks up a glass of wine from the table. She smiles at me as does Loki who looks so relieved to see me. I guess apart of him didn't think I would come. God, I wish I hadn't hurt him so much but I had to protect our daughter. But he is here and now he can know the truth. God, I want to run into his arms but I need to explain first.

We move into her chambers and Sif shuts the doors and in seconds, I see the doors shine and the enchantment has been activated. I am safe and I feel my whole body relax. No more acting but it's best I check it's the same enchantment. Just in case it's changed as I can't risk my daughter's safety.

"Enchantment?" I ask Sif, "What does it do?"

She smiles at me, "It prevents anyone from listening in. So we can talk privately and no one can make out a sound."

I smile and then we turn back to Frigga and Loki as we go over to them. I have to resist running into his arms as we go over and I'm so relieved. I feared I would never get in here and now Frigga can know the truth and Sif can go and save Hope. But it's so much better as Loki is here too and I can tell him at last. I can end his suffering and tell him everything. I can tell him we have a daughter and I can finally stop acting like a bitch. Thank god I remembered the enchantment.

They are both looking at me, noticing I am acting the way I used to and I see hope in Loki's eyes as he looks at me. He smiles and for once I can smile back, not having to hide anymore or keep up the charade.

"Katrina." He smiles, "You came."

I smile, "How could I refuse? And to answer your question he is controlling but not in the way you think."

He looks at me intrigued, surprised by my change in behaviour as Sif sits down on the sofa opposite the one Frigga is on. I join Sif, sitting beside her, and Frigga gestures to us to have a drink. I take a glass and sip the wine, noticing the potion on the table between us. It must be how she wants to restore my memories. Too bad she made it for nothing.

Loki speaks up before I can greet Frigga, "Maybe it's best I leave you to it. I'm sure you would rather speak in private."

I shake my head, "No please stay." He looks at me surprised as do Frigga and Sif, "I want you to stay."

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