Chapter 66 The Little Princess

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Once they pull apart, Hela joins us at the table and I sit back down beside Loki with Hela on the other side of me. Hope is back on Loki's lap, not wanting to be away from him as we begin chatting, drinking, and eating again. All reunited at last and it feels like I never left. I end up resting against Loki with his arm around me and his other arm around our daughter, not letting her go.

He hasn't stopped smiling, watching her eat on his lap and helping her chose what cake she wants for dessert. He is just in awe of her, making her giggle at his jokes, magic tricks, and all of the warrior stories. It's so lovely watching them bond and Loki looks so happy to have me back beside him and both of his daughters. We are both so happy. To think in a way I gave him two daughters. Hela I resurrected and Hope I gave birth to and surprised him with. He now has another daughter who worships him and loves him unconditionally. In a day he got me back from Kai and got a daughter, the four of us now together. A happy family. I am so happy we are finally home and free. I love them all. I love our girl, our little girl and I love him.

When she begins to get tired, we decide it's best we go since it's way past the normal time I would have put her to bed. So we wish everyone goodnight and Hope hugs her sister before me and Loki lead her out of the feasting hall. But she ends up running ahead of us as we go in the direction of our chambers, looking around as she is so fascinated by the palace. I can't wait to show her everything but now I have something else on my mind. She needs a room unless she stays with us tonight? I don't know but I guess we will sort it.

"She's breath taking." Loki whispers, "You told her everything about me."

I smile as I look at him, his hand in mine, "It's all I could do, locked in that horrible place and I wanted her to know her father. So I told her loads of stories, how we met, your pranks, our adventures, everything. She wanted to meet you more than anything."

He smiles at this, "I dreamed what our daughter would look like if we ever had one but she is beyond anything I could have imagined. She's perfect and is so much like us."

"She's the perfect combination of us both." I say with a smile, "I am just so happy we are together."

"So am I." He kisses me on the cheek, "And I have a surprise for you both."

I roll my eyes, "Back to your old tricks already? I look forward to it but first, we need to sort out a room for Hope. She needs somewhere to sleep."

That's when he looks at me with a mischievous glint in his eye and my eyes widen as I realise the surprise he was indicating. Did he sort out a bedroom for her? A bedroom for our little girl? It makes me smile in surprise and I look at him amazed. But really I shouldn't be so surprised, it's the sort of thing he would do and it just makes me love him even more. Our little girl has a room and I can't wait to see it.

"When did you do that?" I ask him.

He shrugs, "A few hours ago before the feast. I wanted our daughter to have a room fit for a princess. Trust me, she's going to love it."

I smile, "I can't wait to see it."

This makes him smile and he kisses me on the head as I rest against him. He lets go of my hand and instead puts his arm around me, holding me close. God, I don't want to ever let him go or be separated from him again. He seems to be thinking the same with the way he is holding onto me, not letting me go. I can't wait for us to be alone so we can just hold each other and just enjoy being together once again, after everything we have gone through.

It isn't long before we reach our chambers but instead of going in, we go over to the room next door. I remember this room even though I have never really been in it. It was supposed to be mine but I just ended up staying with Loki. Not wanting to be apart from him but I guess now he has turned it into a room for our daughter.

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