Chapter 15 An Unforgiveable Act

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'Warning strong adult content ahead.*

With that, the months went by and I am the happiest I have ever been. Me and Loki have been inseparable and hopelessly in love. We spend every night together, switching rooms and even if we are not love making, we sleep next to each other. Not wanting to be separated from one another even at night. During the day we practice magic and go on dates where I show Loki the beauties of Earth and we ended up touring the world. It was amazing and quite easy since Loki can teleport. But we also spent a lot more time with my brother and our friends since they now accept him as a friend as well as my boyfriend. It's fair to say we are having the time of our lives.

It's been over 4 months since we got together and Loki has now been accepted by Shield and isn't classed as a threat. He's officially apart of the Avengers which means he has been training more physically and not just with his magic. But it doesn't matter as often I am reading or writing while he trains or just watching him as he is extremely hot when he fights. I'm glad that Loki has been officially accepted and so is he. I can tell how much it meant to him when Fury made him an Avenger as it means he is finally accepted on earth and has a place to belong.

Today is his first mission and Tony did say I could come along but they are going to a Hydra facility and I don't want to be anywhere near Hydra. Considering what Killian wanted to do to me. I can tell Loki didn't want to leave me alone but I reassured him I would be ok and that I would be safer here then at a Hydra base. So after kissing Loki goodbye and wishing him good luck, he left with my brother and our friends to go on their mission, leaving me alone in the tower.

It's been a few hours since they are left and I'm chilling in my bedroom, reading a book by the window and trying to relax. All I can think about is Loki and I really miss him, even though he has only been gone a few hours. I pray his first mission went ok. I tried to read to distract myself but all I can think about is him and how much I love him. I never thought I could love someone so deeply.

I'm about to give up on my book when all the lights in the tower go out and the electricity has gone out. I put my book down as I stand up, using my magic to light up the room. How the hell has the electricity gone out? Tony is using self-efficient energy to power the tower so it's impossible for it to cut out. And then it hits me, like a tidal wave and I feel my face go pale. Someone has cut the power at the source. I'm under attack and I have a horrible feeling that I know who.

I need to get out of here.

So quickly, I slip my shoes on and grab my phone and purse before running towards my door so I can get out of here. But as I reach the door, it bursts open and I'm knocked to the ground, my phone and my purse go flying across the floor and out of my reach. Then something metal is put right near my throat and it looks like a metal electric rod and I don't dare move. Knowing if I try to move I will get shocked and instead look up to see who attacked me.

My eyes widen in horror when I see who it is and I feel my face go pale, my fear making me tremble slightly. He is supposed to be in prison, locked up but it looks like he escaped and came to find me. He has come for me and I know I am in trouble.

"Killian." I say, glaring at him.

He smirks, "Use your magic and I will shock you until you cannot breathe."

I nod, "What do you want Killian? I have already made it clear that I don't love you and I will never submit to you. So leave before my boyfriend returns and beats you up again."

He chuckles as he leans over me, admiring my body, "Your boyfriend won't be able to save you this time. This time you will be mine and you will submit."

Then he shocks me in the chest and I scream as I collapse back on the floor, withering in pain. I try to use my magic to blast him away but I'm in so much pain and I can't connect with it. It's just too much, it's excruciating and he doesn't stop. He keeps going until black spots cloud my vision and he stops as I pass out from the pain.

When I begin to wake up, my body is killing me and I feel so awfully weak from where that bastard electrocuted me. Electrocuted me until I passed out and I couldn't even stop him. It hurt too much and yet it's not the horrible feeling of weakness that is scaring me. What is scaring me is that I am still weak, I can't feel my magic and Killian has kidnapped me and I could be anywhere. I know Loki will find me since I am wearing my pendant necklace but what if Killian hurts me before he gets here? What if he experiments on me? Or worse?

Slowly I force myself to open my eyes and I'm in a cell, similar to the one before but its lighter as there is window, letting the light in. I shiver from the cold, not sure why I am feeling it considering I am wearing jeans, t-shirt and a hoody. But then I look down and my eyes widen in horror when I discover I am naked. He has taken all of my clothes off so I'm completely naked all except for the necklace that I am relieved is still around my neck. But I'm naked and the idea he took off my clothes and saw me like this, staring at me makes me cringe and want to cry. I can't even try and cover myself up as my hands are handcuffed in front of me and chained to the wall. I can't cover up my breasts and down below at the same time. I am completely exposed and I fear what is going to happen next.

The door to the cell unbolts and I try to use my hands and arms to cover myself as Killian steps inside. He stares at me with lust in eyes and I cringe at the way he is looking at me. Oh god please someone find me, help me. Please I don't want him to touch me.

"So beautiful." He whispers, licking his lips

I cringe, "You bastard give me back my clothes!"

He chuckles as he moves closer to me, "What I have planned for you, you won't be needing your clothes."

My eyes widen as he begins to unbuckle his jeans and I know what is coming. I know what he is going to do and there is nothing I can do to stop him. Before I can even try and fight or move back or anything, he charges towards me and pins me to the floor. Forcing my handcuffed wrists above my head so I'm defenceless under him and at his mercy. I try screaming out, begging him to stop but it only encourages him as he takes his dick out.

"Oh god, please no, please don't do this to me. Please get off me. Please don't..." I beg, struggling with all my might.

Ignoring my protests, he thrusts his dick into me and I scream out in pain. I keep struggling, keep trying to push him off me but the squirming only makes him thrust harder and deeper into me. Each time making me scream out in pain and he is being so rough that it's unbearable. Tears are rolling down my cheeks as he keeps going, me still screaming and crying. He just won't stop and it hurts. His nails are digging into my skin and I know I am bleeding and bruised down there. Please stop, get off me, get off me. But he doesn't and he keeps going until he cums inside me, making me scream out in pain and in utter disgust. At least I'm on the pill so he can't get me pregnant but still... oh god, he just raped me. Killian just raped me. My worst nightmare has come true.

Finally he gets off me, standing up and putting his dick away as he puts his jeans back on. I try to move but I can't, my body killing me from his assault and violation on my body. I can feel I'm bleeding from where he raped me and I know I'm bruised on my legs and arms from where he held me down. Killian just raped me, he raped me and I couldn't stop him. He touched me and hurt me and I couldn't stop him.

I look at Killian who is smirking at me, "You are a good fuck." He zips up his jeans, "When your god finds out you had sex with me, he won't want you anymore. You are mine now and I will fuck you every day until you submit me."

With that, he leaves with the biggest smile on his face and the moment the door is locked, I break down as the tears flood out of me.

Killian just raped me. He touched me and raped me and I couldn't stop him. He just wouldn't get off me and no matter what I did, he wouldn't stop. It was so painful and I know I am bruised from where he pinned me down and bleeding from his assault on my body. And now he is saying he is going to do it again to me... please no. Please don't do that again to me, never again. It was so painful and rough, beyond anything I feared and even Loki... oh god Loki. I just had sex with another man. He violated me, touched me and even came inside me. I'm disgusting and gross and there is no way Loki would want to be with me now.

That bastard has kidnapped me, raped me and now I am going to lose Loki because of what he did to me. Loki won't want to be with me. I'm disgusting and tainted and unclean. More tears pour out of me as I move a little to curl up in a ball, letting the pain flood out. He will hate me. He will hate me and I will be stuck here forever. Oh Loki I am so sorry, I am so sorry.

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